Women Bikers and Shoes

    • 17 posts
    May 8, 2014 6:11 PM PDT
    It's one of the many mysteries that surround women; their obsession for shoes. Most men don't get it. A guy can have sneakers, a pair of motorcycle boots and one good pair of dress shoes, and that's it. But many women have more shoes than what we guys have in underwear. It's not a problem; it's just a mystery.

    But what is more of a mystery is when these ladies get on a motorcycle. Quite a lot of them ride in shoes that are anything but adequate for riding. HOW DO THEY DO IT? How can they ride with high, stiletto, heels? Do they not break off? And what about scuff marks?

    What happens when you stop and put your foot down? Isn't it unstable like hell? How many of you women have broken your shoes when riding?

    So many questions.... anyway, here are 20 photos of women riding motorcycles and their shoes (ok, the last one isn't really one... just the end result).

    Woman On Motorcycle And Shoes


    Woman On Motorcycle And Shoes


    Woman On Motorcycle And Shoes


    Woman On Motorcycle And Shoes


    Woman On Motorcycle And Shoes


    Woman On Motorcycle And Shoes


    Woman On Motorcycle And Shoes


    Woman On Motorcycle And Shoes


    Woman On Motorcycle And Shoes


    Woman On Motorcycle And Shoes


    Woman On Motorcycle And Shoes


    Woman On Motorcycle And Shoes


    Woman On Motorcycle And Shoes


    Woman On Motorcycle And Shoes


    Woman On Motorcycle And Shoes


    Woman On Motorcycle And Shoes


    Woman On Motorcycle And Shoes


    Woman On Motorcycle And Shoes


    Woman On Motorcycle And Shoes


    Woman On Motorcycle And Shoes

    Is this a woman's wet dream?

    Thought this was pretty funny. I personally don't condone any of that footwear except maybe the last . Here's the link to the post:

    http://news.motorbiker.org/blogs.nsf/dx/motorcycles-women-and-shoes---20-photos.htm />

    • 1855 posts
    May 9, 2014 12:29 AM PDT
    looks like commercials to me. I don't know any woman who rides with anything other than the appropriate motorcycle boot.
    • 3006 posts
    May 9, 2014 8:48 AM PDT
    Good post) thanks for sharing,I think I just seen some seriously nice legs.. ummmm..what.?!?!.. oh the shoes? yeah the shoes looked hot LOL !!!
    Obviously you have been to San Francisco,or who ever took the pics,once you ride there on a busy friday nite,you will see crazy riding footwear of every sort. I usually make sure my passenger wears ankle covering riding shoes with a heel of some sort,which translates into her leather high heel boots LOL or hiking boots.
    Out here on the coast you are going to see every crazy sort of riding possible,& then some,folks riding in flip flops even!!!

    stay safe & enjoy the ride everyone!!!
    • 5420 posts
    May 9, 2014 12:54 PM PDT
    Can't say I have seen any girls wearing heels while riding (except maybe boots with heels) but I do see lots of girls (and guys) with sandals or flip flops on - especially at the beach. I always wear boots myself, but then again its their feet and their skin. Kind of like helmets - I wear one of those too but leave it for you to choose whether you want to.
    • 1 posts
    May 9, 2014 1:10 PM PDT
    Have worn heels twice on a bike, both for weddings and both times I was going as a passenger when in them. I'm almost always in boot but… some times when I have been wrenching will go for a test ride in my tennis shoes.
  • May 9, 2014 1:51 PM PDT
    As a female rider, I think I am able to share my thoughts on this post. I have worn different kinds of foot coverings. I have worn boots, sandals, sneakers and heeled boots. I only wear the sandals to the PO, which is a 3 mi round trip during the summer. I have worn sneakers, well, cause they are comfortable and I have been working in the yard and need a quick spin to cool off. I have worn heeled boots, but nothing that makes my ankle feel less supported by the height of the heel. But normally I wear my boots that cover my ankles and have minimal heel. I would love to go out for the evening wearing my heels, but never riding. I would just change shoes when I arrive. As for those photos you posted, pffft.
    • 17 posts
    May 9, 2014 2:15 PM PDT
    I hope no one got the implication as to assume that's what I think all women riders wear. It was posted for satirical purposes only. I know most female riders dress sensibly when it comes to footwear and bikes. I, myself, have never seen anyone wear any of these shoes in real life either. Anyways, sorry for the confusion.
    • 467 posts
    May 10, 2014 4:54 AM PDT
    The ones I don't get are the ones wearing helmets and leather coats with their shorts and heels. Love that last one. I think I will take it in purple!
    • 1 posts
    May 22, 2014 10:56 AM PDT
    OK, I'm turned on.
  • May 29, 2014 1:38 AM PDT
    I think that one pare of RED heels with the striped socks might have been the witch from the wizard of oz?
  • May 29, 2014 11:34 AM PDT
    Ladies please don't stop at just the high heels while riding, I think a black or red short cocktail dress would add some much needed classiness to our rides. It might change the general publics overall view of the biker community.
    • 284 posts
    June 28, 2014 11:14 PM PDT
    Most of those women were on scooters not bikes.  Scooters you have the floorboard going on and  do not have to shift gears.  Like lucky said one girl had boots with heals.  Most woment I see on a bike wear boots.  But like Lucky said  Being around Coastal Ga I see sneakers, barefooted, and sandals while ridiing a  bike.
    • 84 posts
    June 28, 2014 11:25 PM PDT
    I showed up to get a lady for a 2-3 hour backroad trip ending at an out of the way restaurant in some town you never pass through unless you are going there to eat. She came out in some low cut slip on shoes and I sent her back in to get something with a little more protection.

    Don't believe I'd have taken her on the bike if she put up resistance to changing.
    • 314 posts
    June 28, 2014 11:34 PM PDT
    I seen 2 woman on a Harley the other day, both in skirts and one in heels
    • 9 posts
    July 1, 2014 12:35 AM PDT
    I've seen it around this beach, as well Lucky. And I marvel at the absurdity of it.

    My Safety Course Instructor said this (back in the day):

    "Only two kinds of riders folks....
    Those that's been down, and those that's goin' down".

    Now...lest you think I'm speakin' that over anyone's life, let me say this, about that...

    When that instructor said that to the class, you could hear an audible hiss comin' from the
    students. One of disbelief, and doubt. No one in that room believed it would EVER happen to them.
    Including me. I figured, if I were careful and rode defensively...it'd never happen.

    I was wrong. (Several times...)

    Since jump, I've always worn low-cut, flat heeled, boots or shoes. Long pants, and leather's
    when not scorching hot. I've gotten my fair share of road-rash and that stuff HURTS.

    But to purposely ride, in very inappropriate apparel? Is just putting you in PERIL.
    Wise up, ladies. Skin can grow back, but would you want to bet your LIFE on that?



  • July 5, 2014 5:57 AM PDT
    I see it all the time.....riders wearing shorts and flip flops. Apparently those folks have never been down before.
    When I crashed Extremes bike a few years ago, I had a portion of a tattoo on my right arm that was removed by the pavement. So sure keep on riding in shorts and flip flops.