Greetings To All

  • April 9, 2014 3:49 PM PDT
    I recognize I don't post a lot. Sometimes I just come in not logged in and just read the fun ya'all have chatting. Being active on other sites up to about 8 years ago, (OMG that was spooky to write, like a vapor is our lives)...Oh and this is not leading up to me being sick and looking towords some last sunset or such a thing. I believe one of the best investments I ever made was a Bowflex ( 3 in 14 years) and I still hit it at 5:30am 4 days a week. It's out in the cave with the bike so between sets I can do a quick spray and wipe (LiquiTech good stuff). Two birds one rock and I do believe the routine has been benifical. Shoot if ya take care of yourself the simple fact is you can ride longer.

    But ok I fibbed a bit. I am sick in a way...

    I greatly respect the Office of The President of The United States. Some of the finest young men and women have given there lives, and many more have had drastic life altering events occur under the Commander In Chief's orders.

    I can't say I dislike President Obama..the man. By nature of being a Politician, you will always hear partisan talk out of whichever of the 2 sides has the mic.

    Tomorrow I am riding into work like I do daily. At about 3:07 into the clip attached is the building I work in. (Don't ask me what I do there cause I can't tell you.......because I'm not real sure.  LOL kiddin) />
    All day today looking out the window from 12 or so floors up nothing but empty dump trucks. I mean like better than 20 just from that angle. It got me thinking about the lengths they go through now days in so far as secrurity to protect The President spending a night in a Hotel Room at The Crown Plaza. I've stayed there before and it's no dump but it ain't The Ritz. Baracades for blocks, Dump Trucks acting as a pretty significant speed bump, cops, suits, plain clothes, hell it looks like a Humphrey Bogart movie up close.

    Anyway like I said, like always I am riding in, taking the gracious detours they are blessing the working class with, allowing access to our offices.

    I have to figure a way to somehow have a visible copy of The Constitution displayed on my Jacket. That is all I would like to be caught on camera proudly declaring that The People of Houston, as a whole by a vast majority, believe in The Constitution and quite frankly oppsoe the way it is being trampled by those we elected to defend it and who swore to do so.

    Ok maybe more mad than sick.

    Anyway wife is visiting her mom in Oklahoma so I thought what the heck, stop oin and say Greetings To All.

    Sunny Side Up to ya.

    • Moderator
    • 16869 posts
    April 9, 2014 5:26 PM PDT
    With an economy that everybody is having to cut back and sacrifice with, I can't believe how he and his family party down and travel the world on a whim without regard to what it is costing we the people.