A Friendly Hello from California Boss Hoss V8 Bikes

  • March 26, 2014 4:09 AM PDT
    Hi everybody! My name is Erin, from California Boss Hoss in Harbor City, CA stopping in to introduce myself and invite you to check out our classified ads for some pretty great new and pre-owned bikes, scooters and classic cars! We also now carry Cushman II Scooters and Ural Sidecars! Your stop for Big Dog Motorcycles, Harley Davidson, Ultra Cycles, Big Bear Choppers, Ural, Intrepids and more. I would love to engage in feedback on any said bikes, as I do most of the marketing, social media and promos, so input is valuable to me...good or bad  Like us on Facebook too if you like www.facebook.com/californiabosshoss  
    • Moderator
    • 16869 posts
    March 26, 2014 5:37 AM PDT
    Hello from the snow covered but partly sunny Pennsylvania shores of Lake Erie.
    • 3006 posts
    March 26, 2014 5:51 AM PDT
    Greetings from a wet n windy N Cal,SF bay area !!!

    stay safe & enjoy the ride
  • March 26, 2014 6:07 AM PDT
    Stay warm or head down to SoCal! Haha!
  • March 26, 2014 10:01 AM PDT
    Welcome from the heart of the Smoky Mountains......Home of the Tail of the Dragon ride

    Night Dragon
  • March 26, 2014 10:44 AM PDT
    Thanks NightDragon!
  • March 31, 2014 3:58 PM PDT
    Hi everybody! My name is Erin, from California Boss Hoss in Harbor City, CA stopping in to introduce myself and invite you to check out our classified ads for some pretty great new and pre-owned bikes, scooters and classic cars! We also now carry Cushman II Scooters and Ural Sidecars! Your stop for Big Dog Motorcycles, Harley Davidson, Ultra Cycles, Big Bear Choppers, Ural, Intrepids and more. I would love to engage in feedback on any said bikes, as I do most of the marketing, social media and promos, so input is valuable to me...good or bad  Like us on Facebook too if you like www.facebook.com/californiabosshoss  

    Are you across the street from California HD? I was there couple years ago where the motorcycle dealers were having a joint open house and I remember walking across the street to check out the Boss Hoss bikes.And yes I do remember you guys had a variety of bikes on the lot ranging from a Korean bike to several Boss Hoss.
  • April 7, 2014 5:32 AM PDT
    Hi There Dano! Yes, we are right across the street from California Harley Actually, we are doing another open house on Saturday April 19th 2014 from 9am to 5pm to introduce the Ural Sidecars, as well as show off some of the inventory we have currently...shameless plug I know haha! Would love for you to stop in and say hello. My name is erin, I will probably be the one running all over the place...or maybe hiding in a corner in the fetal position, hard to say lol!
    • 284 posts
    April 22, 2014 11:11 AM PDT
    Welcome from Central Ga.... Cool Site and products you support