Another forum another post

    • 1855 posts
    February 7, 2014 5:10 AM PST
    I posted the following on another completely unrelated forum just to pass on a bit of information to others on Medicare who might not be aware.

    "It was confirmed by a news flash earlier this evening. My 3 day stay in the hospital will not be covered by Medicare since I was not admitted by a doctor but put on "observation" status. Now, I knew that but I really didn't know why. It seems that if the hospitals admit you and then discharge you and you come back in at some other point for the same complaint, the hospital gets fined or something like that. Crazy huh? Well, I still haven't gotten my bill for my stay but I've anticipated that I'll have to pay for it".

    Anyway, as most forums rules state that we not get political I get this reply from another member.

    "this is invariably gonna slide towards name calling those with a progressive view on healthcare (those that don't agree with the concept of Corporations making billions on sicknesses and deaths and/or an employer sponsored healthcare which is an aberration to anyone having spent some time outside of the US and tasted other systems) by some that think everything is perfect as is, and anyone threatening to upset the status quo is obviously a US-hating-socialist-with-the-goal-of-destroying-the-America-they-grew-up-in."

    WTF is up with that anyway?! Here's the thing.  I don't know this guy from Adam though he's been on this particular forum for years.  But he does this all the time; turning a post into a political issue when it was never intended to be political, effectively killing the thread.  It is so common place with him that I'm surprised the administrators have been so tolerant. In this particular case it was simply a waste of time to even reply.  And so, that's why I'm venting here and I hope you forgive me for it.   At least here at CF one can have a decent, informative conversation.

    To continue....all you folks who are on Medicare make sure you read the fine lines so you're not taken by surprised later on.  I'm learning something new all the time and it's costing me money.

    • Moderator
    • 16869 posts
    February 7, 2014 7:23 AM PST
    They call such folks Trolls, they are there for just that very reason.
  • February 7, 2014 9:59 AM PST

    I think such folks are to be expected. One does not need to be politically minded to see that "We The People" are not doing so well at least insofar as A People.
    This guy is simply the product of what many have become.

    • 9 posts
    February 12, 2014 7:21 AM PST
    Dang, JimmyAcorn, I can't read that. I'm gettin' blind in me old age, ya know? lol
    Suggestion? Put up the link, so I can blow that sucker up? HUH?

    Ride Free

    ***Addendum.  I squeezed me eye's together and read all of that.  
    Sorry, yer havin' them kinda medical trouble's brother.

    As for the nonsense, tha come after with the TROLL, don't git me started.

    Ya need to look into some things, but I won't go into all that here.
    PM me, so's we can discuss (if you'd like) what you MAY be able to do, to get some RELIEF.  K?
    I'll be available, most of the weekend.  

    Ride Free

    • 611 posts
    February 20, 2014 5:19 AM PST
    Thanx for sharing the info Jimmy.
    As for the 'reply' posted... I read it several times and I only read that he is giving his opinion. No real name calling, clear/concise language and it didn't even seem like a 'rant'. Just some folks have a different opinion and way of expressing themselves.
    That what the 'scroll button' is for, don't agree? Scroll on by... jmo
    Edge 'Scrollin' Man
    • 1855 posts
    February 20, 2014 7:12 AM PST
    Edgewalker54 wrote...
    Thanx for sharing the info Jimmy.
    As for the 'reply' posted... I read it several times and I only read that he is giving his opinion. No real name calling, clear/concise language and it didn't even seem like a 'rant'. Just some folks have a different opinion and way of expressing themselves.
    That what the 'scroll button' is for, don't agree? Scroll on by... jmo
    Edge 'Scrollin' Man

    You're absolutely correct in that he was giving his opinion.  And I never viewed it as name calling. But his opinion was typical of the way he will turn a non-political post into a political one.  He basically shut down future posts; something he does quite regularly.  It was the last sentence in his  reply  "....anyone threatening to upset the status quo is obviously a US-hating-socialist-with-the-goal-of-destroying-the-America-they-grew-up-in."   If that wasn't baiting then I don't understand the term.  It was an indication that he was taking sides in a political debate over health care.  It definitely wasn't a rant.  It had an intended purpose and he succeeded.  And that is why the post was locked.  

    Hell, all I wanted to do was warn folks to pay attention and learn what to expect from Medicare.  It could cost more than they figured.

    Now me?  I'm headed for back surgery on March 7th.  I really, really need fixed.

  • February 20, 2014 9:22 AM PST