On-line helmet law poll...vote now

  • February 7, 2014 5:07 AM PST

    There is an online helmet poll about the helmet legislation currently being discussed in Nebraska. It is on the bottom left of the page at: http://www.ketv.com/ Vote as soon as you can - motorcyclists should never lose an online poll. Thanks, 
    • 1855 posts
    February 7, 2014 5:13 AM PST
    Wow!!!! I'm surprised by the results.

    • Moderator
    • 16869 posts
    February 7, 2014 7:11 AM PST
    I'm not surprised by the results, there are pro-nanny-state cells the comb the net and send out "marching orders" to their members to vote on such things, and infiltrate "message boards" with diatribe.
    It happens every day.
  • February 7, 2014 8:32 AM PST
    I got over 46 % yes all 26% no wow ( i voted no ) up to each person i say
    • 1855 posts
    February 7, 2014 12:55 PM PST
    RevBigJohn wrote...
    I'm not surprised by the results, there are pro-nanny-state cells the comb the net and send out "marching orders" to their members to vote on such things, and infiltrate "message boards" with diatribe.
    It happens every day.

    That's interesting.  I never thought about that but it sure makes sense.
