Don't take my "absence" personal, K?

    • 9 posts
    August 28, 2013 10:38 AM PDT

    It's been an interesting year.  Some bad, most good.  BUT... I'm hopeful, again!!!  
    I used to post several times a day.  And the reason WAS, that I wasn't workin' so much.  And I had...WAY too much time on my hands.  Don't get me wrong here.  I LOVE this site, and all the folks!  Friends, and possible friends, alike.

    I was also, dreading Summer.  Another summer, in which I'd get to sit back, and listen to all the ride stories...
    And that's HARD for me.  For those of you, who have as much time in the saddle, under your belts, as I do, there is no explanation necessary.  For those who may just be "weekend warriors", you "might" feel me.  For those of you, who have just begun the experience...there's no excuse, YOU'LL tolerate.  LMAO

    What I'm "on" about, is the fact that I simply don't have TIME to post, like I used to, and that's a GOOD THING!!!

    My business, is takin' OFF!!!  For many reason's, the least of which is, the fact that my sister "retired" and I've "inherited" about 20 new clients.  A ruff, estimate, but...
    I'm one busy BIOTCH!!!  LOL

    And it's good, cause it just means, that I'm just THAT MUCH CLOSER TO THE ROAD!!!

    So, for any who wondered...where is "Tweek", lately...
    Tweek is on the move.  Literally.  I'm movin' back to the beach, day after tomorrow!!!
    I'm linin' up new clients, as fast as I can hire new help, and I'm prayin'...for the NEW HARLEY!!!

    Lest I sound like work is what's gonna "do it" for me, I must digress... work.  And the money?  It pays the bills.  But it ain't the end-all, be all, to me.
    And NEVER has been.

    My work in MINISTRY, takes precedence.  My LOVE of GOD, this COUNTRY, OUR FREEDOMS, 
    and the Veterans, who sacrificed all, is where my HEART LIES.  And I will strive to serve ALL.

    But, yeah...not ridin', bugs me.  Being a Motorcyle Minister, WITHOUT a motorcycle...kinda sucks. lol
    He overcame.  And so shall I.  So help me, GOD!!! 

    Ride Free


    • 0 posts
    August 28, 2013 12:09 PM PDT
    Hey Tweeeeeek,
    I hear ya big time! I know you will do well where-ever & what-ever you dercide to do. It's been a downhill ride here, but I'm a survivor! And for me too, been stayin' away from all the mc stories & whatnot, too depressing But anyhow, I wish ya all the best & hopefully will see ya now n then
  • August 28, 2013 1:41 PM PDT
    A little bit of Tweek is better than no Tweek, so stay in touch when you can. Just don't kill yourself working. Save a little time for some fun for you,K? Sorry, had to steal that one! I hope that bike is just around the corner for ya and I am going to put in a good word to our DAD for you. Lol. Know one thing we miss ya but couldn't be happier for ya. Thanks for being there for me when I really needed a friend. Love ya gal, Markyd.
  • August 28, 2013 2:09 PM PDT
    Take care Tweek and remember, If it is meant to be it will be.
    • 90 posts
    August 28, 2013 2:25 PM PDT
  • August 31, 2013 11:55 AM PDT
    Hey there little Sis.......You have an important mission that is in your future, and you need to give all the time you can to it. Don't worry it is in the stars, a bike is in your future plans.
    Go out and give em hell
    Now ...."Let's Roll"
    Night Dragon
    • 9 posts
    September 2, 2013 7:51 AM PDT

    All moved in, mostly unpacked, and gettin' comforttable.  Back to the grind tomorrow!  
    Hope ya'll had an AWESOME LABOR DAY WEEKEND!!!
    Ride Free
    • 566 posts
    September 2, 2013 10:43 AM PDT
    Sometimes little or no news is good news. Glad to hear things are moving uphill for ya .. albeit slowly.
    Good things come to good people. Harleys are good things. You are good people.
    • 846 posts
    September 3, 2013 7:59 AM PDT
    Glad too hear that things are going well. We do miss ya but life is life and it good to hear it going in your direction. Keep in touch and us up to date. Enjoy the new digs and keep plugging for the Harley.
    • 1161 posts
    September 28, 2013 4:06 PM PDT
    Well, since I have gotten my bike I have also been off and on lately, been repainting my bike and fighting the VA for my disability, I did get my state disability in three months of applying (very fast from what I was told for GA.). My bike was down for 4 months and finally got the final parts I needed to get it back on the road again and was bored so I figured I should check in. Glad I did and glad your doing better, Tweek! I will keep praying for you. Keep the rubber side down!
    • Moderator
    • 1516 posts
    September 28, 2013 4:29 PM PDT
    Good for you.. glad things (work) is going good, that harley is just around the corner..
    • 3006 posts
    September 30, 2013 5:01 AM PDT
    YaY !!! Just seen this post now,for some reason I must have missed it?!?

    Keep us updated on the new digs & what sort of scoots your looking at

    Your heart is in the right place,your prayers will be answered!!!
    stay safe & enjoy the ride !!!
  • September 30, 2013 5:50 AM PDT
    Thoughts and Prayers for you and your success in your new Ministry.
    • 9 posts
    September 30, 2013 9:54 AM PDT
    Thanks Ya'll! While I'm back @ the beach, and adjusting ok, to the new "digs", the business is somethin' else, altogether!!! And the MommaMini is on her deathbed. THIS AIN'T COOL. Without THAT ride, my business is OUT THE DOOR. Pray for me??? Just when it looked like the rain was finally ending, here comes another STORM.

    Half the clients, are taking cruises, this month and next month. (MUST BE NICE). Great, except for that's just
    money I won't see. Sure, they'll be back in three to four weeks, but what the heck am I 'posed to do, in the meantime? I am actively advertising, and I'm cold-calling. But ATM, it's like, it's always been...
    Livin' life on a wing and a prayer.

    A new bike? Mmmmm. Let's just say, I've learned to just forget that possibility, anymore.
    It'll happen, when and IF, it's supposed to. And NOT before.

    The Ministry is fine, and I'm doin' all I can do, on that front. I'm here for the homeless, I'm here for the
    Veteran's, and I'm here for just about anyone who needs me. Whenever, they need me.

    Can't help but pray, God gets me thru it all...

    Ride Free
    • 9 posts
    October 11, 2013 12:09 PM PDT

    I see all Ya'll are handlin' life pretty well.  And accepting the fact that another ridin' season, comes to a close. (That's why I moved back to Florida, ***for all the good that did  I feel, for those in the colder climes, and hope your Winter is a short one.  Keep busy.  Serve where you can, and see how fast God, makes the cold go.  That's the thing, ya know?  When we are busy doin' the Lord's work, we don't seem to notice the fact that we can't ride.  'Specially when we're see'n the folks, that can't even find a decent place to live, or have enough food to eat...

    It's real hard to feel sorry for yourself, when you see the needs of others.  It's also heart-breaking. BUT, when you lend a hand, or give a hand-up, you are doin' exactly what you were meant to do.  K?  I see real need every single day.  And I PRAY for those, that need it.  It also, breaks my heart, when I can't help.  I want to!  But, I can't.  God knows this.  He knows, when we can, and will.  He also knows when we can't.  OR WON'T.  Don't be on the WON'T list, K? 

    For...whatever you have done, for the least of these, you have done for me. (Matthew 25:40)

    LOVE YA'LL!!!  

    Ride Free 

    • 611 posts
    October 12, 2013 4:25 PM PDT
    Thank you Tweek Lady for the good work that you do. I applaud your efforts and the focus of your dedication. The folks you help will remember your efforts for years.
    A wise man told me "Follow your bliss, the money will follow."
    May you have your Harley come to you within a year.
    I have spoken.
    My name is Jake Walker and I approve of this message.
    • 9 posts
    October 13, 2013 4:42 AM PDT
    Edgewalker54 wrote...
    Thank you Tweek Lady for the good work that you do. I applaud your efforts and the focus of your dedication. The folks you help will remember your efforts for years.
    A wise man told me "Follow your bliss, the money will follow."
    May you have your Harley come to you within a year.
    I have spoken.
    My name is Jake Walker and I approve of this message.

    From your lips to God's ears, Edge.  And THANK YOU!  I know you do your fair share of helping others, as well!
    Your writing abilities, open the door to many mission fields.  Encouragement, being the first!
    God Bless You and Yours!

    Ride Free