Why did the Dragon Disapear

  • July 30, 2013 3:52 AM PDT
    I feel like I owe my Cycle Fish Family an explaination of why I suddenly droped off the face of the earth without notice. I hope you don't find this to be in bad taste.
    As you know I moved to Pigeon Forge Tennessee back in February of this year, just to find new riding areas, and start a new life if you will.
    I had been dating back in Texas one of the Cycle Fish Family members, who went by the name of Dolly Baby, she road a white sportster with pink Flames on it. When I left Texas in February I throught it was best for the two of us, as we had our moments. Well somehow she made me believe it would a good idea if she moved to Tennessee with me. She came back here the first of April. Everything was going great until April 10 when she killed herself with a over dose of drugs. I had never experienced anything like that before, and I didn't know how to handle things. Thank God I have a couple of really good friends here that helped me past that. If you have never been through something like that it's hard to explain. Instead of running toward my Cycle Fish Family I became somewhat of a recluse of sorts, and ran away from everyone. I found out to late Stacy had some problems letting go of the fact her son was killed in a car wreck a year before.

    Anyway like I said my friends and the fact I have re-connected with God kept me going. I have met a great person that believes in me and God as well, and she has help me a lot make a come back if you will. Let me tell you ....when God takes something from you he will replace it with something better for you.
    Getting back on Cycle Fish with my Family is just another step in the process of comming back to my normal self...........if I was ever normal..LOL!

    Thanks everyone hope this hasn't put a dark cloud over the site

    Night Dragon
    • 5420 posts
    July 30, 2013 4:33 AM PDT
    Dragon, Really sorry to hear about your friend. I can not imagine how tough that would be to deal with.

    We are glad your back, and if you know there are a whole lot of people here for you if you ever need us.
  • July 30, 2013 4:52 AM PDT
    Lucky wrote...
    Dragon, Really sorry to hear about your friend. I can not imagine how tough that would be to deal with.

    We are glad your back, and if you know there are a whole lot of people here for you if you ever need us.

    Thanks Lucky...Means a lot to me
    • 846 posts
    July 30, 2013 5:23 AM PDT
    Dragon, It sounds like you have been to hell and back. Sorry to hear of your loss, I don't have any words to say that you may not have heard already. But I glad you have gotten to the point of coming back home.
    • 3006 posts
    July 30, 2013 5:32 AM PDT
    Sending prayers for Dolly & good thoughts your way Dragon !!!

    There are others like you who certainly feel your pain here,lost
    a riding brother of mine years ago in a similar way.

    Its good your back posting & ready to get on with your life
    and get past it.I am not surprised you found comfort n support
    here,as I have also found it here during some ruff times been dealing
    with in the last year.

    Stay positive n keep it in the wind !!!
    • 611 posts
    July 30, 2013 11:19 AM PDT
    Damn Dragon... That is one tough sum-bitch to live thru. Guess that the situations that arise in our lives define us. Well, actually it's how we handle/cope with them that define us. Some folks just kinda wither and die inside, others feel rage/hatred/self-pity and so on.
    Sounds like you tapped into the well-spring some call Faith. Whatever works for you, I'm all for it.
    It's good to see yer ugly smiling mug back on the pages... So LiveLoveRide, respect yourself and we are all here and rooting for ya.. Bro.
  • July 30, 2013 12:39 PM PDT
    Ooouch, That is some pain bro.....Now I know why I have thought about you often when I looked in on the board.I know first hand of pulling away when I'm dealing with unexpected loss.I pray your new friend loves life looking forward instead of hanging onto yesterdays.Life is to short to live in the past.God gives us each a choice each day that He wakes us.Happy your home here and have hope of a brighter future.Hug that lady ;-)
    • 1855 posts
    July 30, 2013 12:45 PM PDT
    Gypsy and I both can empathize and we're happy you're outlook is positive.  We didn't get that opportunity to meet in Pigeon Forge earlier this year but we'll be back down that way again.  Peace brother.

    • Moderator
    • 16870 posts
    July 30, 2013 1:06 PM PDT
    Wow, never had to deal with that, thank God.
    Praying things stay smoother for you, welcome back.
  • July 31, 2013 12:28 AM PDT
    God bless you Dragon. I knew Dolly a little from talking to her on Cyclefish and facebook and she was a good person and friend. I am so sorry for your loss. That has to be devastating. You never know what someone else is going through and I'm sure that losing her son was the worst possible thing that could happen to her. I am glad God got you through this and also put someone in your life that loves you. I nearly lost the love of my life 2 months ago by a stroke. God has let me keep her for a while more. Don't know what I would do without her. So , I'm glad you are back and glad things have turned around for you.
    • 844 posts
    July 31, 2013 1:39 AM PDT
    Damn man I feel for you having to o through something like that. I know you were really starting to enjoy yourself over there in Tenn. and then something like this happens. Glad you are back though. I know it is real tough getting past something like this, but life will go on.

    Take care.
    • 9 posts
    August 1, 2013 12:23 AM PDT
    God is with you. And I'm happy you've come back to the "fold". I am truly sorry about Dolly, and I know that must've been one of the hardest seasons, you've ever had to go thru. Just know, it had nothing to do with you, Kenny, OK? Her pain was greater, than she felt she could overcome, that's all. I have counseled many who felt that was their best option. Happily, with God, and time, most turned those thoughts around. That YOU'VE moved past this season, and found someone who will cherish you, is a testament, to God's love, on our lives.

    Glad your BACK! <3

    Ride Free
  • August 1, 2013 3:08 AM PDT
    Just want to thank everyone that responded on this subject. It's good to feel the love of the Family again, and I really appreciate all of your kind words.
    Everyone on this site is ACEes in my book.

    Thanks Again
    Night Dragon
  • August 1, 2013 11:58 AM PDT
    Glad to see you are back Dragon I stop by from time to time to see what's going on. Keep the Faith Brother
  • August 2, 2013 6:16 PM PDT
    Welcome back Brother! Next time I ride back to Oak Ridge Tn. I'll give you a ring and you can point out some of the best rides in your area. My Daughter lives there and we visit twice a year usually during the spring and fall.
    • Moderator
    • 1364 posts
    August 3, 2013 4:21 AM PDT
    So very sorry Dragon, Thoughts and prayers to you. We are here for you.
    • 44 posts
    August 6, 2013 4:16 AM PDT
    So sorry to hear dragon but just know that when you put your trust in the lord all things are possible even in your darkest hour he is with you fear no evil for he is with you my brother we will be up next month we will holler at you till then ride safe and be with the lord
  • August 8, 2013 1:38 AM PDT
    Hey Dragon, It's good to see you around again. Without sounding to corny, we missed you and CF wasn't the same without your comments.
  • August 8, 2013 2:20 AM PDT
    Fred77 wrote...
    Hey Dragon, It's good to see you around again. Without sounding to corny, we missed you and CF wasn't the same without your comments.

    Doesn't sound corny at all and I appreciate the commet.
    • 2 posts
    August 8, 2013 1:38 PM PDT
    Glad to know you remain on this side of Jordan

    Some of us lead with our right, some with our left, an unfortunate few lead with their chin but you lead with your heart and get the bruises - Don't stop