Yep, a convenience I never needed until I got one. Like most I've ridden for years without one, but now that I have it I love it. Like GoFur said I never got so lost I couldn't get where i was going, but to be able to see all the road choice at a glance and plan the day is nice. It is also nice not to settle for a two day old sandwich at gas station when you are real hungry and then pass a great place to eat 5 minutes afterword.
To me its like every other piece of technology we never needed. I remember saying... "what's the damn rush to eat" when microwaves first came out..."why would anyone need a mobile phone? I don't need to talk to anyone on the phone when I'm not home"... "I'll never get cable TV, three channels is fine for me"... AND "why would I ever need a computer in my HOUSE"...
Like all of these other devices,
you don't have to use Navigation all the time, but it is nice to have the technology when you want it.
Except when we are in the CAR looking for a place to eat in San Diego! (Love you
