Asking for Prayers from the Diety of your choice

  • June 21, 2013 4:15 PM PDT
    Asking for prayers, healing thoughts, good vibes, whatever you can send up to the Diety of your choice for the very first biker I ever dad. First I would like to say that Dad wanted a son, but got me. So I grew up his side-kick grease monkey. Helping him in his garage, riding many, many miles behind him on his bikes, building up hot rods, motorcycles, and some fast old trucks. He taught me to drive at the age of 9 in his old 1 ton flat bed get the idea.  

    It was hard enough to see him in that hospital bed back in 2007 when he had a massive heart attack and had to have quadruple bypass surgery. I remember thinking I'd never seen him so pale as he lay on those white sheets. But he's always been tough and within a month he was back mowing grass and twisting wrenches. He changed his lifestyle, quit all alcohol, started taking care of himself at the ripe old age of 78! 

    He always seemed so invincible, though no where near 10 feet tall, certainly somewhat bullet proof. 

    That all changed this past week.  In the past month he'd grown weak. A few weeks ago he needed two pints of blood. Had some other minor things going on, but assumed he'd just picked up a bug. When He complained to the doc that his hemmorhoids were killing him they scheduled surgery. Of course with any surgery comes "tests".  This is where it all went to hell. The upper GI, was fine. Docs could hardly believe he's 84. Then they got to the colonoscopy. Thats when they found the mass.  A few biopsies and a few days later the news came. It's colon and liver cancer. Stage 4. He's also apparently had another heart attack recently and has developed some blood clots in his lungs. Due to his age and the condition of his heart, the docs are saying he won't survive surgery to remove the cancer.  He was finally moved out of ICU tonight. They are giving him mild foods and lots of iron and will begin some therapy soon to build up some strength. They are aiming to make him as comfortable as possible for the time he has left. 

    We spent our time together this week making peace for all the past old hurts we may have inflicted on each other and planning his last and final ride.  He will be cremated and I'm to haul him on that last ride to the place he wishes to be scattered. I pray he feels strong enough to make the ride while still alive, but either way we'll ride together one more time.  

  • June 21, 2013 4:33 PM PDT
    What a sad, but also great story. You and your dad have a special bond that not all of us have. Treasure that and love on him for the time left. I pray he gets to make that ride with you and hope you both have the time of life. God bless you and you will certainly have my prayers.
    • Moderator
    • 16870 posts
    June 21, 2013 5:19 PM PDT
    God bless you both, you both in our prayers.
    • 3006 posts
    June 22, 2013 9:35 AM PDT
    You have my prayers & sending good thoughts your way,be strong for him,hopefully yall git to ride one more time before his time comes.
    • 57 posts
    June 22, 2013 3:38 PM PDT
    Hey Stormy, Very sorry to hear about your Father, My Father also was recently diagnosed with Cancer of the Kidneys and bladder,he will be 90 this year. We shared a lot of good and bad times and i have no regrets about our him your Love and keep him comfortable,Hope you are able too share that ride with him Take care
    • Moderator
    • 19067 posts
    June 22, 2013 9:57 PM PDT
    You are doing it right, it is a very sad thing to do but good for both of you.
  • June 23, 2013 2:06 AM PDT
    Thanks all.......Hunter I'm sorry to hear about your own father. Spend every min you can with him! As you said of your own, we've shared alot of good and bad times. We made a final peace this week for all the bad. For that I'm grateful. Dad's tough and may surprise us all. They are giving him some solid food now and therapy, he's up moving around a bit now and may get to come home in a day or so. I told the docs, they may know medicine, but they don't know him! Knowing it's just a matter of time, makes this time more precious than ever.
    • 5420 posts
    June 23, 2013 2:30 AM PDT
    Real sorry to hear about your dad. It sounds like you were close and have some great memories that will be with you forever!

    Our prayers and thoughts are with you an him!
  • June 23, 2013 3:10 PM PDT
    UPDATE: I tried to tell the may know medicine but you don't know this old man! Doc called me this morning, said he could be released but she me to convince him to go to a nursing home for a week or so to build up strength. She worried that taking care of him and helping up and down would be too much for mom (no spring chick at 75 herself). He told them hell no, got up and went all the way down the hall and back on his own! Looked her in the eye and said "I'm going home". Sure enough, I drove a flying 3 hour trip to the hospital and hauled him home! He's still a little weak and will start chemo in about 3 weeks. It won't cure him, but may slow the growth of the mass and give us a little more time with him. Thanks for all the prayers and words of encouragement.
  • June 23, 2013 11:14 PM PDT
    That's great news. Being home will make a big difference I hope. You take good care of him and God bless.
  • September 25, 2013 2:29 PM PDT
    For those that didn't see the blog, Dad's riding with the angels now. He slipped away August 23, 2013. I'm waiting on his memorial stone from the Navy, once it arrives, I'll have it set in place and then me and one helluva crowd of riders that loved him will take him on his final ride. Thanks for all the kind wishes and prayers, I take comfort that he didn't suffer long. Peace out and ride safe............
    • 9 posts
    October 13, 2013 4:45 AM PDT
    So sorry for your loss, Stormy. Your Dad is in good hands now, and there is no suffering. WILL see him again, one day. Hold on to that.

    Ride Free