Why Pay A Doctor...

  • April 22, 2013 1:11 AM PDT
    or the weatherman for that matter??? I can look outside & know from alot of years of riding that its going to be a day on 2 wheels regardless of  the weather. Now for doctors & their opinions! If you go out on a limb and tell someone they are dying & only have a very few days to live & then place them on HOSPICE... that you would get their expiration date somewhat close to the time frame that you projected???  Dont get me wrong. I am thankful for what the hospice has done for me & just how GOOD of people they are, but when a group of doctors ALL concur that a person will be dead in less than 3 months and they are WRONG because you have lived past that date...do you think they should get paid??? Just wondering about the right & wrong on this one.

    Would like to thank all of those brother who rode in for bike week here in AZ!!! It was good to see you & I hope we will do beer & steaks again next year!!!!
  • April 22, 2013 3:27 AM PDT
    I don't care what Doctor's tell you about when you are expected to depart.....unless GOD is ready for you to come home....you aren't going! As for Doctor's....it doesn't matter if you graduate at the top of the class or the bottom of the class....they still call you Doctor! Hang in there Brother....GOD's speed!
    • 3006 posts
    April 22, 2013 3:45 AM PDT
    Interesting post, as recently I lost a friend to cancer who had been given less than 6 mo's.She passed away 2 weeks ago,& survived for about 8 weeks after the diagnosis.They found the cancer after she started having fainting spells.Some sort of tumor on the heart. It made me start thinking what would have happened had she not passed in that time frame or even recovered n survived it.Should the doc's even get paid?? It may sound silly yet I to some degree have to say NO dont pay them !!! LOL anyway we all know how that would fly,like a lead balloon
    • 846 posts
    April 22, 2013 4:52 AM PDT
    Strange subject i also have some experience with. My wife was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer in March of last year and she was told she had 8 months to a year. Here it is a year later and there minimum trace of the cancer cells the tumor is still there (can't be removed) and her doctor's comment last month was you shouldn't be here your one for the books. I'm grateful for every extra day we get together. But is shows you can't take there time frames as golden.
    I know it a tough thing to do in giving someone a time frame but it does take a lot out you and your loved ones.

    I've had friends that have just dropped dead on the spot with no signs and now I'm under the sword of Damocles with my wife. Each one is a tough situation I can't make a call if one is better then the other.

    Take every day and enjoy it you may never know when its your last. As for the Doctors, its a guess take as so some folks fight harder to hang on then others.

    Hang in there as long as you can.
  • April 24, 2013 3:38 AM PDT
    Thank you ALL for your words & know that I am sorry for those of you who have lost loved ones to this thing they call cancer. The reason for the post was to look at what is "Right or Wrong" in business & morality. I know that if I build a bike & stamp a 17 digit VIN to it, that it is my job to make sure that it will not fall apart & cost someone their life. However, when a doctor makes a call on something like this...he should know what he is talking about, because he has destroyed my wife's life by making her wonder if today is going to be the last day we are going to spend together.
    If I pay these fools for services rendered, then I feel that they should be held to the same standards I am bound by in operating an honest & fair business. If I don't perform a job for a customer to their satisfaction, then I don't expect to get paid & I will not only give them their money back, but I will have the work done at no charge to them at a shop of their choice. Maybe one persons ethics are not the same as mine or it could be the 36 8mg dilaudid they have me on a day talking, but to send someones wife who you said "should" already be dead a $342,000 dollar bill... is wrong in any moral persons world.
    I have found 3 things that any of us can do & that is "Ride, Live & Love"! I hope that everyone of you can find LOVE in your life, because if you can...it will give you a reason to WAKE the hell up every morning and tell yourself to quit being a crybaby ass bitch & prove the doctors wrong. Rubber Side Down!!!
  • April 24, 2013 4:03 AM PDT
    To show you what I am talking about in business ethics...look at our feedback in just the online division of my shop. ebay.com/sch/ripperpowersports/m.html If you mention cyclefish in your request, I have asked the ol lady to give everyone 30% off of any part you may need.
  • April 24, 2013 11:07 AM PDT
    blurplebuzz wrote...
    Interesting post, as recently I lost a friend to cancer who had been given less than 6 mo's.She passed away 2 weeks ago,& survived for about 8 weeks after the diagnosis.They found the cancer after she started having fainting spells.Some sort of tumor on the heart. It made me start thinking what would have happened had she not passed in that time frame or even recovered n survived it.Should the doc's even get paid?? It may sound silly yet I to some degree have to say NO dont pay them !!! LOL anyway we all know how that would fly,like a lead balloon

    I had a similar experience with my father, who passed away from pancreatic cancer which had spread into his bones (apparently this is common).  He went into the hospital because of blood loss from what turned out to be a benign tumor.  While there, they found his cancer had spread, and said he might live as long as six months.  He was gone within thirty days.

    In regards to the original poster: I suspect you know this deep down, but you asked for opinions, and mine is that your expectations are unrealistic.  You can't schedule death.  Only God can do that, and I think we all know He likes to keep us guessing.  I don't mean to be overly blunt, but I don't know how else to say it.  The other post regarding pancreatic cancer is a good example.  I've lost two friends to this horrific form of cancer.  Only one out of four people diagnosed with pancreatic cancer will live beyond one year after their diagnosis.  Only 6% will live beyond five years.  Yet some people recover completely and live long, happy lives.  There is simply no way to predict who that fortunate few will be, and I don't think you can say "what the hell are we paying you idiots for?" if they tell someone with pancreatic cancer they'll likely be dead within a year, and end up being one of the lucky ones who are alive ten years later.  It doesn't matter if you're the smartest person on Earth, there still is no way to know.  I certainly wouldn't question a man's ethics because he couldn't predict within a week or month's accuracy when me or someone I loved would die.  It's just not that simple.

    • 44 posts
    April 24, 2013 12:10 PM PDT
    After 26 treatments the wife says shes done and now it in the lords hands "Ride it like you stole it" she says and today we live for today
    • 57 posts
    April 25, 2013 1:31 AM PDT
    Best Wishes and in my prayers to all experiencing sick loved ones
    • 48 posts
    April 25, 2013 4:58 AM PDT
    Best wishes to you Whatis and everyone else here. In my opinion...doctors like lawyers are always practicing as
    they say. I agree with your stance on the shop. Myself, I'm held very responsible for the diagnosis I perform every day on automotive electronic engine controls and electric vehicle systems. My pay can be deducted for a "comeback". They practice. Either way, its written in stone that they will, and they will get paid. Live every day brother ! I hope and pray there are many more to come for you and your family.
    • 9 posts
    April 26, 2013 1:17 PM PDT
    This is just IMHO. OK? Baby, I watched my Mom, the second the heartless bitch Oncology Doctor...of a "teaching hospital" walk into my Mother's room, and with no more "care" than you'd tell someone, their dog had fleas,  pronounce a "death sentence" on my Mother. I (as soon as Mom and I recovered, what was "left" of OUR composure), I grabbed this B**TCH, by the collar, drug her into the corridor, and asked her..."DOC? DO THEY NOT TEACH COMPASSION, IN THIS GODFORSAKEN, HELLHOLE???"

    She told Mom, she had "maybe" a few good weeks, or possibly months. (less than 5 or 6).

    The PANIC, I witnessed in my Mother's eyes, at that moment...is very hard to describe.

    My MOM, held on for almost a year! Against ALL predicted "odds".

    What follows...IS A **GOD ALERT!

    It's called "THE PRACTICE OF MEDICINE" for a reason. And MOST of 'em...NEED MORE PRACTICE.
    DON'T give UP! Don't GIVE in. And, (if you're a Believer?)...PRAY. I will be prayin', for you, and your family!!!

    Ride Free

    ***ADDENDUM***  For ANYONE, faced with this kind of "DIAGNOSIS"...PLEASE, check out the CANCER TREATMENT CENTERS OF AMERICA!

    http://www.cancercenter.com/ />
    To discuss your treatment options please call 800-268-0786 anytime
    • 611 posts
    April 28, 2013 6:01 AM PDT
    My Bro-in-Law Mac, was told he had 5 or 6 months. Lymphoma would eat him up and to go home and get his affairs in order. Well, it has been 5 years (tough ones) and he has a Heritage Classic now, rides on the good days and rests on the bad ones.
    He and I both figure "We're gonna live till we die... Might as well LIVE before we die!"
    Edge "StillLivin" Walker
    • 1 posts
    April 28, 2013 12:24 PM PDT
    Tweek wrote... 

    What follows...IS A **GOD ALERT!

    It's called "THE PRACTICE OF MEDICINE" for a reason. And MOST of 'em...NEED MORE PRACTICE.
    DON'T give UP! Don't GIVE in. And, (if you're a Believer?)...PRAY. I will be prayin', for you, and your family!!!

    Ride Free

    ↑ +1

    • 9 posts
    April 28, 2013 12:31 PM PDT
    Edgewalker54 wrote...
    My Bro-in-Law Mac, was told he had 5 or 6 months. Lymphoma would eat him up and to go home and get his affairs in order. Well, it has been 5 years (tough ones) and he has a Heritage Classic now, rides on the good days and rests on the bad ones.
    He and I both figure "We're gonna live till we die... Might as well LIVE before we die!"
    Edge "StillLivin" Walker

    You know it EDGE.  I know it.  WE ALL KNOW IT!!!  Can't LIVE FOREVER.  So LIVE LIKE YOU WON'T!!!
    Live, laugh, and MOSTLY...LOVE.

    And I'll be prayin' for ALL YA'LL!!!  You're my family.

    Ride Free

    • 9 posts
    April 28, 2013 12:41 PM PDT
    A personal NOTE: for WHATISCANCER

    My friend, about 2 years ago, my Daddy was diagnosed with prostate cancer, and given about "1 or 2 years" to live.
    Well...He's been CURED.

    ***GOD ALERT***

    Cause, that's why I KNOW, he's CANCER-FREE!!!

    But, for anyone (including yourself, cause I don't know your heart)
    See my posts above, and MAKE THE CALL.

    I'm believin' your in THIS season, for a reason. AND...that YOU WILL BE HEALED!
    My hand to GOD's, I'm BELIEVING THIS FOR YOU!!! In His Holy name. Amen!

    I'm done.

    Ride Free