the 70's helmets

  • April 19, 2013 9:32 AM PDT
    Why are people starting to wear the old open face helmets we had to wear back in the 70's and 80's? I know sometimes the paint jobs were cool but those helmets sucked camel nostrils back then....I know they havent gotten any better. Are they supposed to be 'ol school cool or something?....someone enlighten me...
    • 5420 posts
    April 19, 2013 9:58 AM PDT
    I agree some were pretty cool looking but they were uncomfortable as hell. Like a lot of stuff I think it all comes back because of the nostalgic look. (hell I have been seeing tye-dye shirts at concerts again) I have seen a few going down the street pretty sure they are not truly 70s helmets, but replicas with today's comfort and safety built in.

    But they only look good when riding certain bikes... like an old school bobber, a pan or shovel or my favorite ('cause I had one) an old Honda with a big rake, fishtail pipes and king and queen seat. Don't think would wear one on my Road King though :-)
    • 1 posts
    April 19, 2013 2:18 PM PDT
     Helmets from the 60's and one more reason I liked motorcycles

  • April 21, 2013 7:13 AM PDT
    Actually I've been considering one to use on long trips (maybe block some road noise?). But I'm afraid that Lucky won't talk to me as I'm riding a Street Glide now and not an old bobber....
  • April 21, 2013 11:21 PM PDT
    I use ear plugs if I'm going to be jammin on the interstate to keep the buffeting down....but you cant hear the bike either...Those old helmets were like parachutes....they fill up with the wind and strangle you....or they did me anyway....I'm hoping we can get the helmet law repealed here in Va.......I'll never wear another one
  • April 22, 2013 12:16 AM PDT
    They were HOT in the summertime.....the only plus was the shield you could snap on!
  • April 22, 2013 2:08 AM PDT

    Just bought the wife a pink one with some cool graphics on it, but I wouldn't wear one.  not bad on a chick. 


    • 3006 posts
    April 22, 2013 3:57 AM PDT
    Good question? I wore one also,yet I always put the snapon faceshield that came with it.,the helmet acted like a parachute & nearly choked me half to death.

    After seeing my brother have his head saved by wearing a helmet, dirt riding, I started using one for street riding,I realized a helmet may not save me in a serious wreck,yet for a low speed spill it is invaluable for saving ur noggin from being cracked open.

    Nowadays I wear a full face,unless the temps are over 90 then I just use my shortie helmet.Typically we have like maybe 2-3 weeks of the year where temps hover in that area here by the coast.
    • 846 posts
    April 22, 2013 4:35 AM PDT
    I think i still have a metallic red one i used in the 70's. Wouldn't use it not more of a garage ornament now. I've seen a few on folks that have a 70's early 80's bikes that have been restored. I don't think I would get one now. It's hard to get me to wear anything more then the half helmet i have now.
    • 1 posts
    April 23, 2013 9:59 AM PDT
    I recently bought one on the Pa NC border, cause all the rest that I used to own were down in I bought a retro style open face. Ihad a windscreen why in hell would i need a full face lid..who in their right mind wants to boil over through the head...taking a drink can be a problem least with an open face you can still grab your water bottle and drink whilst riding...the smaller half lids are just real value...except for catching wind noise.. but then this is just my opinion