Woman Charged $5 to use restroom

    • 44 posts
    • 284 posts
    February 28, 2013 12:20 PM PST
    http://www.today.com/video/today/50987746#50987746 />
    That is too funny but there is a better link to the today show......  Oh man I can not imagine getting a bill for not eatting....
    • 44 posts
    February 28, 2013 12:44 PM PST
    she didn't even us the restroom only washed her hands LoL
  • February 28, 2013 2:31 PM PST
    Before it's over they'll wish they'd never done this.
    • 11 posts
    March 3, 2013 12:54 AM PST
    Crazy! If I saw the posting on the mirror, I'd go out in the field (where there is tall grass) or behind a tree in at least a small forest.
    I grew up on farm & playing outside...I still play outside, alot! & go wherever I need to, & also meadows along my running routes). There is also a device made, specifically, for women to use when on long trips & no it isn't adult diapers, either.
    • 1855 posts
    March 3, 2013 2:13 AM PST
    I just thing there isn't enough respect for people in general. What sort of person would deprive another person, or charge another person, to use a public facility?

    I'm a diabetic and that means I can be a "frequent flyer" LOL. And it's not something like, "Oh, I'm gonna have to pee". It's more like, "pull the freak over". The reality of it all is that NO ONE is going to stop me. You may call your LEO's and I'll deal with them as necessary. "Oh, employees only?; better call the cops then".

    • 3006 posts
    March 3, 2013 2:36 AM PST
    Good post ! Never even heard abt this incident,its a sad statement on peoples lack of manners.

    I am somewhat disturbed by the fact that the police devoted any resources to gettin info on the perp LOL
    Mainly in being that its a public business that is inviting people in to dine.
    I 'm somewhat on the fence in that the business owner does have the right to refuse/charge yet still its bad for public image too if you do not allow the use.

    Cant imagine what they the owners, would be in for, if, it was some older ladies I know LMAOtalk about a dressing down !!!!
    • 44 posts
    March 3, 2013 4:12 AM PST
    http://www.wsmv.com/story/21310627/woman-receives-bill-after-taking-a-restroom-pit-stop /> This link has the Local Sheriff's only interview That what the story is him giving the lady (I use that term losely) my Address
    As far as the $5 charge sign the wife took the pic when she went down ther to pay the bill that that lady wouldn't take.Believe me if it was ther the wife would not have Washed Her Hand that day
    • 44 posts
    March 3, 2013 4:22 AM PST
    She only used the restroom to Wash Her hands and we were going to eat but we had something come up as we pulled up and the wife went in while I was on the phone when she came out I told her we would come back.That was about noon that Sheriff came through the drive through @7pm and they gave him my tag and he called it in. Small Town never thought that this would go National
    • 9 posts
    March 3, 2013 8:32 AM PST
    This goes beyond the ridiculous. After all that, the "owner" says she didn't want the money after all? That she's "trying to make point"? Yeah...that's why they bothered Sheriff Yokel with all that. REALLY?

    Was she wearin' her leathers? (Not that that should matter)
    The "restaurant" could've put that sign up, after the fact. Seems like they just wanted the "drama". Well...that goin' viral, ought to get them drama, they weren't counting on.

    I'm thinkin' Bike Run thru there, and we all stop in. Just the parkin' lot, mind you...
    Or, is there a "charge" for that, too?

    Ride Free
    • 44 posts
    March 3, 2013 10:26 AM PST
    No She wasn't wearing her Leather HMMM But that does give me an Idea LLLLOOOOLLLL
    • 567 posts
    March 3, 2013 11:09 AM PST
    My guess is that the police chief of Erin TN is gonna get a call from that legislator telling him to cease & desist on giving out that kind of information to the public .. including the manager of the local coffee house where he gets his jelly donuts & java in the mornings.
    I would think that ALL states would have laws governing handing out that kind of information to any John Q. Public who wanted to run a tag number.
  • March 3, 2013 5:10 PM PST
    This happened to us last summer while traveling from Kingman, AZ to Boulder City, NV on Route 93. This road has 80 miles of nothing and only one convience store about 25 miles from Kingman. Anyway, we left Kingman after eating at a fastfood resturant and sure enough 25 minutes later. The meal was not agreeing with my wife. Luckly this store appeared, so we pulled in. My wife runs in and uses the restroom. I followed her into the store and noticed the sign on the door that said "Restroom for paying customers only or else a $5 charge." So I bought a 50 cent candybar for $1.50 and we left. This left a real bad taste in my mouth and will never stop there again. I just want to add that whenever we travel and use restrooms along the way, we always buy something just to show our thanks for being open.
  • March 3, 2013 6:44 PM PST
    Just to be fair, as a small business owner with a bathroom only 10 ft. from my desk I want to just strangle some people when they plow into the office and ask to use the restroom. If their customers of mine then I'm all good with it but just blowing in my front door no way.
  • March 4, 2013 2:33 AM PST
    If I was an owner of a small convenience store on a lonely but busy stretch of highway, I would turn a negative into a positive and advertise clean restrooms along the highway. If I can get peope to stop, I have a better chance to sell them something.