Crazy Rides

  • February 17, 2013 5:23 AM PST
     Here is a guy on a Motorcycle that knows what he is doing - BMW K1600 - you can make it to work in 15 minutes and drop you kids off at school - watch760 Lbs Motorcycle, 160 HP adn they guy knows how to use it. type="_moz" />
    • 3006 posts
    February 17, 2013 5:47 AM PST
    Perty fascinating video,a good example of what filtering thru traffic is all about.I am unsure what country that was shot in? I noticed riders on the shoulder strips & in other locations that I would be real wary of driving thru.Mainly due to road debris that can mess ya up in a second.A good part of it reminded me of the morning commute to San Francisco with all the motorcycle riders stacking up at the front of any backups LOL with any hardly any room to manuver around with the narrow bridge lanes.
    Thanks for sharing this !
  • February 18, 2013 11:23 AM PST
    I do not like splitting lanes and dangerous acts with passengers on either.I have seen too many young people driving like this in our Country as of late.I know that sounds like and OLDMAN's view these day's but I think this kind of driving is what gives the rest of us a bad name in the public eye.
    • 1855 posts
    February 19, 2013 1:04 AM PST
    A prime example of an idiot on a motorcycle is my opinion. As good as he MAY be, there's no reason in the world to be in that much of a hurry as to put oneself in danger. Riding isn't suppose to be about being tense. And while some traffic scenarios create tension; control yourself. Personally, and again it's just my opinion, I wouldn't ride anywhere near or along side someone like that. I wouldn't be surprised to see him texting as well.

    • Moderator
    • 19067 posts
    February 19, 2013 1:11 AM PST
      Very Well Put Jimmy! 
  • February 19, 2013 3:23 AM PST
    Couldn't have said it better Jimmy! Not only doesn't seem to care about himself or others on the road, but puts his kid in danger too ... assuming that was his kid he dropped off at school with no protective gear!
    • 9 posts
    February 19, 2013 6:14 AM PST
    I'm watchin' thinkin' God I hope the kid ain't on the back...but he was. Then, he starts ridin' real crazy, after he drops the kid, and takes off. Splittin' lanes, in a major back up, (in a legal state), is one thing. Doin' it, just cause you can, in my book, is just puttin' off the inevitable. Sooner or later, his "luck" is gonna run out. It does for everyone.

    Ride Free (and in one piece)