Code of conduct

    • 85 posts
    October 25, 2012 10:50 PM PDT
    Most of the time when I ride I go solo, seems like everybody is to busy or has other plans when Im ready to ride,so I take off on my own. That being said what should one do when riding and you come up on a group of riders ? Do you fall in with them? Back off to seperate yourself, or pass when you can? Usually  Im in no hurry so passing doesnt happen. Whats the norm for this situation? Thanks.
    • Moderator
    • 19067 posts
    October 25, 2012 11:35 PM PDT
    Unless invited do not join. Either lay back, change route, or pass when safe.
    • 80 posts
    October 26, 2012 2:29 AM PDT
      However if the pack in front of you appears to be a patched M/C, the best tactic would be to change to a different route or stop for a break to allow some distance to build up behind the group.  Passing an organized M/C on the road can lead to some unwanted attention.
    • 7 posts
    October 26, 2012 2:50 AM PDT
    I'm with Rex... Oh! And Seawolf ;-)
    • 5420 posts
    October 26, 2012 2:52 AM PDT
    with all above.

    I normally stay back far enough so they know I'm not trying to intrude on their group.  If its a samll group just out riding and they pull off for gas or whatever, I'll sometimes pull in and go over and say hi.  If they're heading the same direction or place I'm heading I'll ask if they mind if I join them.  I have met a few people who are now riding buddies like that.

    If its a single rider that I come up on I will normally just hang with them, a couple bike lenghts back, just to enjoy that little bit more secure feeling of having another bike near by incase one of us has a problem.  Again, if the opportunity presents itself I will say hi !

    • 846 posts
    October 26, 2012 3:25 AM PDT
     with all the above too. As I ride solo a lot too. I've had some good conversations with folks I've just met when pulling up to a light after ride in back of them for a while. Just be respectful is the best bet.  
  • October 26, 2012 4:09 AM PDT
    All good adivice.
    • 544 posts
    October 26, 2012 5:08 AM PDT
    Yep ... all good advice!

    In fact I was on a ride the other day with about 80 bikers and we were all pulling out on the route at different time.  Three of us were tooling down the highway when we gained on a MC just ahead of us.  I was in the rear so I just followed as we passed the MC.  There was a Pickup on the side of the highway with someone taking a picture of the MC just as we were in line with them.  We did not get any ackowledgement from the MC so I took that as if they were not pleased.  To top it all off the guy out in front of my ride pulled over a mile or so down the road to check his directions and before I knew it the MC passed by us.  I was glad when we turned around and went the other way because I would not have passed them again.