Read, comment amongst yourselves

    • 1 posts
    October 1, 2012 12:56 PM PDT
     The numbers, some of them,  do not make sense to me but read and comment
    • 844 posts
    October 1, 2012 1:24 PM PDT
    Not sure about the numbers but I'm sure they could right 25k each for the Harleys and 16k each for the Hondas. I'm sure Honda is offering bottom line to get these things out there.

    As for the bike, they are bad ass. Went to a Police rider competition back in the spring and after the various officers performed they had factory riders from BMW & Honda running the course. The Honda looks a lot like the BMW without the cylinders sticking out the side. Looked pretty comfortable and blew the BMW away in just about every competition, but that could have been the rider too. But I'll tell you them Hondas were QUICK!!!
    • 5420 posts
    October 1, 2012 1:37 PM PDT
    They have actually been around for a while, since like 2007 with the Police version.  Your right GoFur, they do look a lot like the BMW Police bikes.  The 16k per bike does sound pretty low for a Police bike, but then again Honda Motors of America is based in the City of Torrence (actually the cities largest employer) so I am sure they are cutting a good deal to have the Police in Torrence city riding their bikes.  I see they are being used already by WA State Patrol and a few local Police forces around the country, but can't find any other mention of price.

    I personally haven't seen one on the road, just the onse I saw at the International Bike Show a few years ago when they started their big push.

    • 1 posts
    October 2, 2012 3:01 AM PDT
    They are nice, but I think the badest Police bike out right now is the Kawaski Contour.  Kawi got back in the game of making Police bikes a few years back.  A lot different then the old Kawi Police bikes...

    • 5420 posts
    October 2, 2012 3:25 AM PDT
    The CHP is using lots of those Contours here and the original plan was to replace the entire BMW fleet.  Howevere due to an electrical problem caused by all the added police accessories, Kawasaki has suspended shipping for the rest of 2012 while they work it out.  I agree they are a BAD looking bike!

    Here is an article with the testing results for all of the 2012 Police bikes... />
    • 1 posts
    October 2, 2012 3:38 AM PDT
    St1100 hondas wereusedby the NSW Police HP div, as far back 1998. Great bike in any gear but 1st....outlegged BMW's but became unstable at speeds over..140 km/h..around 90mph...Honda wouldn't guarrantee the bikes so the were largely let favour of R1100 BMW's again..although there are a few Harleys floating around now... the 103 cui seems to appease the blue crew.
  • October 2, 2012 3:42 AM PDT
    They probably will be leasing the bikes like the CHP does. I was told by a CHP motorcycle officer that they were leasing the bikes for three years and this also included all the maintenance that was required for the bikes. I would assume the city of Torrance might have a similiar deal because there is no way that Honda police bike would only be 16k.