Ohio To Florida Gulf Coast...

  • September 15, 2012 1:49 AM PDT
    Early July we made the Big Move to Florida.....with that move we left behind Many Brothers & Sisters.  We had established a fantastic riding family,..and we will always stay in touch along with meeting on the road as much as possibly.  When I signed up on CF 3 years ago,..I didn't have any expectations,..just thought it would be a site that I pecked around on from time to time....shortly after I signed up,...a Meet Up was planned for Bowling Green, KY.  WOW,...WHAT A GREAT TIME AND EXPERIENCE OF A LIFETIME!!!  My familly made Lifelong Friends but better yet,...I now have Many Brothers & Sisters which mean the world to me.  I never imagined the bond that we have all developed via this 4-5 day adventure.  I still remain in contact with all of the Amazing people we now call Family,...my children now have many Aunts & Uncles that they love very much.  I could go on and on about our time in KY,...you can look at the many pics throught CF and read many great stories of the time we all had together here on CF.
    I am posting this to reach out to the FL riding community that are here on CF,...after moving here from OH early July we have had very little riding time,...we would Love to meet more great people from this area.  So,....if you are on the Gulf Coast of Florida,...we are looking for some riding friends.  Send me a message,...
    Many Blessing To You All,...and to My Bowling Green Family,...I LOVE & MISS YOU ALL,....OUR DOOR IS ALWAYS OPEN FOR EACH AND EVERY ONE OF YOU.  Come for a visit,...I Would Love to Roll With You All Again!!
    Much Love~~Anastasia/CreativeHDMama/MafiaMama 
  • September 15, 2012 5:08 PM PDT
    CreativeHDMama, Ive been on Cyclefish awhile now. My wife and I live in North Central Fla. (A little south of Lake City. We cruise the gulf coast areas lots of weekends. Some of our favorite haunts are Cedar Key,Appalachicola,Indian Pass(Indian Pass has THE premier oyster bar of the gulf, one of the first real original ones.)The Indian Pass area got hit hard by Tropical storm Debbie, almost wiped out the campground. By the way, the same storm flooded our home, we havent moved back in yet, still rebuilding.The flood has put a kink in our usual riding plans but we think we will be done in the next few weeks.On up the coast there is Port St Joe and Mexico Beach. Just inland is Wewahitchika, The movie Ulee's Gold was filmed there. Try the local Tupelo honey, its the only honey in the world that doesnt crystalize. Past Pt St Joe are lots of coastal areas worth the ride. We like to get off the beaten path, find the "old Florida" I remember as a child. There are still remnants of it yet, its not all gone... the quaintness. The good thing about the gulf is it is so shallow through the Big Bend area, it has prevented large scale development. One really hidden Gem is Shired Island. Its between Stienhatchee and Suwanee off 19. This is an island at the end of a 15 mile hardroad, county maintained campground VERY secluded. The signs say no alcohol but in your camper? Its a very nice place. There is a road called Dixie Mainline from Shired Island to the town of Horseshoe Beach. This road is not paved but it is 12 miles of the best scenery in Florida. I have driven it on my bike. It is an old logging road from the late 1800's the state fixed up. These are a few suggestions. I havent been on CF for awhile what with the flood and all. Now its almost over and we can smell the roses again. Hope to hear from you soon, Moondog
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    • 19067 posts
    September 15, 2012 11:26 PM PDT
    Stacey and James are two of the best people I know. I had the extreme pleasure to hang with them in Kentucky at a Cyclefish Meet & Greet, and at their house back in Ohio.
  • April 19, 2013 10:02 PM PDT
    Greetings to you all from fremont ohio