July 31, 2012 9:58 AM PDT
Going down the road today and my 06 Ultra just stops running. No spit sputter, nothing. trailered it home and now looking for the a bad wire, checking the conections...you know the easy stuff...no luck so far...got to be something easy...right?...
July 31, 2012 10:11 AM PDT
I'm thinking some sort of module/sensor which sends fuel information. The crank module was the culprit when it happened to me.
July 31, 2012 10:17 AM PDT
first check the ignition lights, working? next does it crank? next check LT side of coil, then check HT side of coil, then get a spare spark plug and take one lead off and connect it to spare plug, put plug base against any metal surface on bike frame/engine, does it spark when cranking?
July 31, 2012 10:34 AM PDT
Sounds like the main circuit breaker. Back a few years ago they were notorious for going out, especially when riding in heat. They finally had a recall on it. Many of my friends that rode Ultras carried one with them.
Haven't heard the problem in a while, but certainly worth a check.
July 31, 2012 11:05 AM PDT
That happened to me once. Turns out it was a blown fuse.
July 31, 2012 11:31 AM PDT
Thanks for the replys so far. I started with checking the wiring...all looks good. all the fuses are good. I'm giving up for the night (just to darn hot out there) tomorrow checking for spark. I've got a Cobra FI200 installed that I'm going to disconect and see what that brings. If this helps... all other functions are working i.e.; lights, fuel pump and gauges plus it's getting gas
August 7, 2012 3:43 AM PDT
Does it start back up after this happens?
August 7, 2012 5:17 AM PDT
Have you solved this?
Similar problem with Rex was an intermittent kill switch.
August 11, 2012 9:13 AM PDT
Haven't got this solved yet...tring to figure out how to test the coil. I realy don't want to take it to the stealer. I've got it all torn up. Still no spark!
August 11, 2012 9:25 AM PDT
To help clarify this problem, The bike was running just fine, no problems at all and no signs of anything that would be a potential problem. I was on the throttle doing around 55 or 60 and all the sudden nothing! all the lights, gauges, etc. fine. But no running of the engine...it turns over fine, shows getting oil pressure, sometimes the engine light will go off then on, sometimes it will be off when I turn the switches on other times not.
August 11, 2012 9:46 AM PDT
may be a long shot-----check the battery--was told by supplier that they were having trouble with some being bad --not holding charge--I had a loose cable and my bike did basiclly the same thing--just die while under power.
August 11, 2012 12:49 PM PDT
There is power going to the coil but, (with the plug test) there's no spark. Also, puled out the Crank position sensor and checked it for metal, dirt...clean as it can be!...and as far as the battery, just put a new jell type one in this spring and installed a new Accel regulator
August 12, 2012 12:56 PM PDT
Boy do I feel like a moron...The bike is running!!! real eazy fix, First of all thanks to all for your help!!! Second, The 1st plug I used to do the spark test must of been bad, I used a different plug and I got spark! so I had the tank off so set it up on the backbone and pluged it in, when I put power to it I could hear a sound in the tank like there was gas being squirted out of a hose. I took it apart and low and behold the gas line had fell off of the pump. Stuck it back on hit the switch and she fired right up! I'm going to get a new clamp and install it tomorrow...all's good!!! This will be the First time that I didn't have to shell out a bunch of coin to fix a problem!
August 12, 2012 1:02 PM PDT
Well you got it running and that's what counts
August 14, 2012 9:27 AM PDT
The fuel line came loose from the pump!!! Now that's a new one. Glad ya found it.