One Of My Garages...

  • July 4, 2012 2:45 AM PDT

    These Flags fly all year!!!  ...and besides, it stops nosey people from seeing inside the

     2 views inside the garage ... stuff this is just ONE of my garages...

    These are the flags that hang behind the other

    The Yamaha does not have 3 forks and 2 2 pictures...

    Signs on the

    MORE Signs on the

    See The Old Pics of Me On The Early Wide

    Happy 4th Everyone!!!

  • July 4, 2012 2:59 AM PDT
    Nice Jet. Perfectly in order. How's the amateur gynecologist gig workin' for ya. lol Thinkin' of givin' it a try. Good day to ya.
  • July 4, 2012 3:14 AM PDT
    Funny thing about that sign, I bought it in Lake George Village New York and as I walked out the store with it - and with a few more plates too - a rather nice lady came over and got a bit flirty having seen the sign, then she realised I was actually there with someone at the time, so funny to hear her making

    Since I been back in England with it (bought in 2002 or 2003), the only time any woman commented about it was when I was coated in grease and oil up to the armpits and then she looked twice - didn't smile again - and just walked and I just thought "am I that ugly? "

    So no, it dont get ANY results at all, maybe I should actually stick on my ride at a show...hmmm...maybe I will try that!!!

    (but really, I just got it for the garage
    • 1855 posts
    July 4, 2012 4:56 AM PDT
    Always great to see the reflection of ones life in his garage. It just shows that you've actually enjoyed the years and proud to be able to share some of 'em. Good go.

  • July 4, 2012 5:12 AM PDT
    Younger days on that wideglide huh,nice to see you flying old glory,thank you,you probably own more than most citizens do.
    • 5420 posts
    July 4, 2012 5:14 AM PDT
    I'm with you there Jimmy. We just moved and even though I worked on my new garage a bit... painted the walls, built my wok bench, hung the dart board and a few signs and posters, etc... it's still going to take years to get the personality back that my old garage had.
  • July 4, 2012 5:28 AM PDT
    I have 5 of Old Glory and one of the Rebel Flags too...3 different Pirate Flags...some red+white chequered flags and 2 black+white chequered flags.....and only ONE other flag from this here United Kingdom, its the flag of London...and hey, when I make the move across all my junk comes with me, My American Motorcycle, My Musclecar engined Big Yellow (350ci but rebored and stroked, now just short of 420 apparently), My American pickup truck (NASCAR Engine built for me by SUMMIT and yeah, all my American clothes and American Leathers (I made sure when buying them that I saw where they were made, Made In America!!!) oh yeah and I suppose I better bring the Jet Trike does have an American designed road engine on it, its the Buick 218 small

    ...and hey, guess what, it all fits nicely into a regular size

    One of my other garages has spare jet engines, spare American Muscle engines and gearboxes and axles, and a whole heap of junk scattered through and all over it, bits of bikes, bike fuel tanks in various stages of repair, its also used as a storeroom... (I wont show you pictures of aint just a mess.....its THE ABYSS!!!

    Other garage where the jet trike lives is more English in 45 gallon barrels of jet fuel, both Jet A-1 and JP-4 and one of equal mix,  something like 18 of 6 gallon containers of jet fuels mixed, Afterburner containers also mixed ready for adding to the afterburner few other bits like boxes and boxes of FIREWORKS!!!  Oh yeah, if that place ever goes up in flames you will HEAR it in 200 gallons of fuel and a half ton of Firework Explosives all contained in a 20 feet by 12 feet garage, hmmm, maybe I should rethink that layout.....or..... MOVE FURTHER AWAY FROM IT!!!

    I should add here that the Rebel Flag has just a basic meaning here in England, nothing racial or anything about it, its just the sign of a rebel here, nothing else...
  • July 4, 2012 3:26 PM PDT
    Jetman wrote...

    I should add here that the Rebel Flag has just a basic meaning here in England, nothing racial or anything about it, its just the sign of a rebel here, nothing else...

    I honor that flag, but despise what some people have made of it. It's true name is the Confederate Battle Flag. I hate it being called 'Rebel', because by our constitution, we weren't in rebellion. We had seceded, which the Southern States had every right to do. Anyway, rant over!

    Jetman, I've two aunts from England and have always enjoyed them immensely. Where are you going to be settling when you get here?

    • 9 posts
    July 5, 2012 12:19 AM PDT
    Jetman wrote...
    Funny thing about that sign, I bought it in Lake George Village New York and as I walked out the store with it - and with a few more plates too - a rather nice lady came over and got a bit flirty having seen the sign, then she realised I was actually there with someone at the time, so funny to hear her making

    Since I been back in England with it (bought in 2002 or 2003), the only time any woman commented about it was when I was coated in grease and oil up to the armpits and then she looked twice - didn't smile again - and just walked and I just thought "am I that ugly? "

    So no, it dont get ANY results at all, maybe I should actually stick on my ride at a show...hmmm...maybe I will try that!!!

    (but really, I just got it for the garage

    Hang a lab coat next to it, with a tube o lube...muahaahaaaaa!  And another sign:  Exams Free of Charge! 
    And maybe a Pic of yerself all clean, shiney, and smilin'...muah!

    Ride Free

  • July 5, 2012 1:10 AM PDT
    Hahahahahaha, Thanks for the comments guys n gals...Some good suggestions

    I am just a garage wall nut where plates and stuff is concerned, typical tourist from time to time over of those signs I have on my garage doors came from USA so that I could add some HUMOUR to my fun environment.....

    In answer to a couple of questions : When I make the shift across it will be on the "Snowbird" basis, I will have a place up in the Adirondacks close to Lake George Village, NY, I know so many people around there and in Warrensburg, NY.  that I would be silly going anywhere else...I know all the best eating places and drinking places with knowing the owners, managers and staff by name and definately get preferential treatment there...I have workshops that I can just turn up and use without charge, I know the owners there well too...Even the local tobacco she see's me coming she already is making the coffee and cutting me a new cigar she wants me to try...and THAT my friends, says that I fit in rather well there.....
    At some point or other I have helped each and every one of them with something at some point, I just simply pitched in to help matter what it was I was doing, I have even bussed tables while I was there just to help them out during a busy breakfast rush when they were understaffed on an odd day here or there...and the autoshop there, he was doing a simple service and while doing the oil change and had his hands full and I just grabbed the wrench he needed and joined in, no biggie, I even stepped past him to do the next bit while he went to make I dropped in for was to see if I could use one of his lifts to check the work I did on a friends car...went back to base with smears on face and oil on

    2nd place is not written down yet, but probably somewhere mid-Florida, I was bidding on a few houses down in Orange City just before the reccession when the dollar was $2.12  to the £1 (GBP), The price on the 4 places under offer are still dropping, all same vendor, all 4 bedroom with large double garage and workshop to each, all situated on a 4 way intersection, one has a swimming pool - THAT will be my

    Tweek, I think that is an excellent suggestion, and yes, I do have a white coat or which lube would you suggest?  ...LOL!!!

    Garage 3 is full of junk...but hidden amongst it is a Full Blown Hemi...A 6.6 litre Chevy with full Edelbrock kit, both are just waiting to be dropped into something ridiculous, lol, I want to get a hold of one of those Smart Cars, or some small "Eco-Friendly" car to drop the 6.6 Chevy soon chop and mod the floor and chassis to drop it in.....
    Various Transmissions including the modified 6 band T 400's (3 of those! Wooohooo!!)  a couple of 350's and an unknown origin 360 from something American (cant remember where it came from but at less than 20 dollars I had to have Spare jet engines, one of which is all set to run on its workshop dolly - all switches and guages, just drop a line into a bucket of fuel and couple up 24 volts and its chain it down when spooling up!!!)

    Garage 2 is a am rethinking my storage in THAT

    ...Garage 1 is as you can see.....