Ever wish you could just take somebody's drivers license aw

  • May 31, 2012 4:05 PM PDT
    I had one of those moments tonight.  It was a busy day, I worked late, but managed to finish all my domestic BS chores before the sun went down.  Last thing on my list was to hit the gym for a workout, and it was a beautiful sunset so I decided to ride into Iron Mountain instead of driving the truck.  I loaded my stuff into my T-bag and hit the road.

    Naturally, I decided to take the longer back route, which meant heading south from Florence on County N.  I love County N; it's a beautiful road.  As you leave town, you head up this long hill with some nice, sweeping curves.  Then you hit the crest abruptly, and the other side is a steep grade back down to the farmland south of the hill.

    So there I am, cruising up the hill, enjoying the long curves and fading sunlight.  And just as I'm cresting the hill, I look down the backslope and there in front of me is a SUV, BACKING UP THE DAMN HILL IN MY LANE.  Now I'm hammering on the brakes, trying to downshift, trying to be anywhere on that road that isn't close to that SUV.  And as I get around it, the woman driving looks over at me with this "aren't I a naughty girl" smirk on her face.

    Good lord.  Don't you have to have at least *some* level of intelligence to have a drivers license?!?

    Thank you for the opportunity to vent...

  • May 31, 2012 4:28 PM PDT
    I've been to Iron Mountain in Arkansas. Some people don't think at all. Glad your still safe and sound ^5
    • 5420 posts
    June 1, 2012 4:36 AM PDT
    There are times I have wished I could not only take away someones license to drive, but also take away the license of everyone in their family - just in case stupid driving is hereditary!
    • 9 posts
    June 1, 2012 6:18 AM PDT
    You can't fix stupid, and chances are, even if you could take someone's license away...they'd drive anyways. And talk on their cellphone. Causing them to miss the turn their looking for, hence having to back-up on a major thoroughfare...
    CRIKEY! Better to just be hyper-aware of your surroundings. And carry a taser. Cause in my book, it's the least they deserve for doin' somethin' so F**K'n STUPID!!!

    Ride Free
  • June 1, 2012 1:06 PM PDT
    Tweek is so very right, the fools would still drive.I'd much rather impound their auto and make them learn to ride a motorcycle for at least a year, before they got their cage out of impound.They might just get a real life education or end up a hood ornament of another fool cager.
    • 567 posts
    June 2, 2012 12:20 AM PDT
    One time I got so upset with a dumbass driver that I pulled up alongside his car and asked him if he'd gotten his license at a 7-11. He had NO clue as to what he'd just done .. which of course was to have just about run me completely off the road.
    • 1855 posts
    June 2, 2012 12:40 AM PDT
    When I was driving 140 miles a day for work I stopped carrying my weapon. I had never been so frustrated with all the idiocy on the highway and I didn't want to take the chance (have the opportunity) to pop some jerk. For 10 years I drove 140 miles to work on the interstate. I have these, "cop for a day" desires quite often cuz I think more traffic offenses ought to be labelled "reckless op".

