EPA emission notice.

    • 1 posts
    May 29, 2012 2:34 AM PDT
    Today i received an unusual letter, from the Enviromental Protection Agency. I have not spoken to a member of the epa since 1997. But Today i received a nasty little letter demanding I submit my motorcycle for a noise emission control test.
    It seems the random brearth test that i undertook in Dungog 2 weeks ago, was just a diversion to have me and 16 other bikers, sent for emission control testing.  The insane thing about it...is all the different regulations that cover these particular HD's. like mine for instance must not exceed 94 db...@ 2500 revolutions, my mates is to be determined by the inspector...his sons bike is 93 at 2500 rpm, another is 98db @2650 rpm....The bikes stopped for the breath and licence testing ranged from 2012 models down to 1993 models...all encompassed and not one bike defected or one rider being told this was going to happen. Americans think or might think they have a problem with Homeland security...You wouldn't want this stuff occurring in your state i can tell you....It will cost me $40.15 to have the test done, if my bike passes without fault I lose that money...I'd lose it if, it didn't pass...but there is no compensation for a wild goose chase..and that stinks. I have written my letter of complaint today and posted it...why do i feel its going to fall into the hands of blind men. 
  • May 29, 2012 8:18 AM PDT
    Because motorcyclists make up such a small demographic and we have more detractors than there are motorcyclists in general. The government knows this and they the government people, EPA and so forth with proclaim that it is the will of the people and so forth, but it's a way to steal money from the law biding citizens, victimizing people who aren't burdensome to the 'system' because they know that we will pay, plain and simple.
  • May 29, 2012 10:41 AM PDT
    Wow, that sucks ass, typical goverment action. Here in the US we used to get warnings but as many of the southern states are suffering there's no warnings just tickets, really a light out that requires a giant ticket. Is it possible that while this light went out I went into the saddle bag and reparied that light right there on the spot cause some times I have extra's on board. Nope he refued to sign the signal light is repared cause his job was just to write the ticket, WTF, now I got to find a Duval county officer to sign off on it. Its just away to fund the agency........."T"
    • 2 posts
    May 29, 2012 12:04 PM PDT
    Going to get much worse
    In US noise is not under the auspices of the EPA but emissions are
    Already going to have to put catalytic converters on new lawn tractors, just what one wants around dry grass - Don't see how air cooled motorcycles can be manufactured much longer - Suspect present regime has so many people p'd at it they don't want to add riders to the list RIGHT NOW. - Wait for the next 4 years
    • 1 posts
    May 29, 2012 5:26 PM PDT
    I recall, GM, warnings relating to cat converters cause the grass underneath cars catching on fire from the heat generated by them...when parked on the grass. Everyone thought it was a great joke. Right up until it started happening...and cars actually caught on fire from the grass under them. Highway Patrol radar traps were few and far between on grass banks for a time...till they solved the problem wuith heat transfer cases.
    • 0 posts
    May 29, 2012 5:57 PM PDT
    • Moderator
    • 19067 posts
    May 30, 2012 12:32 AM PDT
    Another piece of Bureaucratic bull! Feel for ya Mate(s).
    • 1 posts
    May 30, 2012 12:34 AM PDT
    didn't watch it boof..you can't play 13 players plus the ref!
    • 3006 posts
    May 30, 2012 9:40 AM PDT
    Its a sign of times ovrregulation of everything pertaining to simple peoples pleasure's,lets see pipes,cigarettes,helmets,etc etc..the list is endless,what do you expect when all the folks in congress aint folks at all their lawyers,they dont have any problem, finding new problems to fix !!!
  • May 30, 2012 11:58 AM PDT

    We have one heck of a lot of cops here in England that agree with the concept that "LOUD PIPES SAVE LIVES" ...

    A lot of these cops ride, they also have loud pipes, riding here in a sensible manner and not doing what the kids on the sports bikes do by revving the engine every chance they get and you can get away with your drag pipes...so there is a few benefits to living here...lol...

    What would the cops there make of these "Straight 8's" ...lol...

    "Emissions" Officer?  What Emissions would they be then?  ...lol...
    • 1 posts
    June 3, 2012 2:38 PM PDT
    well had my inspection today...the vance and hines'will remain under lock and key for a few years hopefully, things will quieten down and they can go back on. 88 db on the meter..and the bike passed, the originals are back in the box in the shed. Speaking of the shed I found an ol set of slashies gave em a wipe over..sprayed some grey prima on the inside of the slash...bolted em up...and actually looked and sounded not bad...stock headers and slashies...looks better than tapered turbos...beats me where they got the turbo part from...they are anything but, performance...stay cool....and stay out there...
    • 2 posts
    June 4, 2012 10:04 AM PDT
    99Savage wrote...
    Going to get much worse
    .   .   .   .   .

    Right again, gad it gets boring being perpetually right by being totally pessimistic


    Long article but worth it

    Interesting for a couple of reasons;

    * Apparently there is a lot of c’ppy aftermarket stuff, not just poor quality but downright unsafe

    * There are a lot of people out there who are perfectly willing to design your motorcycle for you


    And if you want to be totally creeped out , read the comments

  • June 4, 2012 10:36 AM PDT
    Best wishes Jonsey. That does suck out loud! I just pray I'm done riding and buried before they outlaw our fun scooter sickles.
    • 1 posts
    June 4, 2012 1:20 PM PDT
    LC I was talking to the guy who does the test..down under even the quiet jappas get hammered..they run em up too 5500 revs, so the yoshi's kick in...most fail...yoshies or what ever they have these days..
    • 1 posts
    June 4, 2012 1:20 PM PDT
    yet aircraft noise goes unchecked....wonder how that works...