open air concerts

    • 1 posts
    April 25, 2012 7:37 PM PDT
    Why is it that the best place to sit at any open air concert is right infront of you? I mean hot damn this happened to me at the Black Parrot at the Chip. I'm sitting lazing on a supplied deck chair...drinking a brew waiting for the show to start...there is heaps of room right beside me on either side and behind me..even 10 feet infront of me...but nup..just come and park yourself right infront...So Like I'm say, "mate get lost"....thats not how or what i said..but you get the thing this dude is in my face...I'm not Mr aggressive usually but rudeness baits me up ...So i stand up and like i tower over this squirt...and his mate...His mate apoligises and moves but this other having it....From behind me i hear "You take him you take us"...I look around and there like 5 other Aussies...They moved .... 
    • 0 posts
    April 25, 2012 11:48 PM PDT
    Sounds like they were just little wannabe punks. Funny how they just moved,lol.
    • 9 posts
    April 26, 2012 12:52 AM PDT
    It prolly wouldn't matter where you sit. Your gonna get rude people wherever you end up. Seems to be the norm anymore. I've bitten the bullet, more times than I can count. At least YOU can say somethin'. When you're a gal, just tryin' to enjoy somethin', and you get folks like these, it ain't prudent to speak your mind. Usually ends up all wrong, and you find YOURSELF bein' the one to move. And IF, you do decide to stand your ground, your usually so pissed, you end up not enjoyin' anything...

    Ride Free
  • April 26, 2012 1:48 AM PDT
    I never have that problem, I know that at Red Rocks Ampitheatre, there really isnt a bad place to sit, and of all the times I have been there, I havent had any problems, of course being 6'2" and 230 pounds doesnt hurt, but assholes are abound wherever you go it seems, except at Red Rocks. Maybe its the fact everyone is just so happy to be in that beautiful place that they are content to just be there, or maybe its the attitude of the Colorado life, or the climb up the seemingly endless stairs coupled with the altitude that they are too tired and say fuq it, I dont know, but Red Rocks has always been nothing short of a good time with no assholes.
  • April 26, 2012 1:53 AM PDT
    BTW, ive never sat in the way back, so maybe there are bad seats there, I just havent sat far back there, yet... I am sure the time will come that I will.
  • April 26, 2012 2:03 AM PDT
    Geeze what is it with the chip, I was down there last summer watching a show It was Styx Ok so it wasn't a great one but it sure beat sitting at the campsite alone really was kind of jammed in there like sardines and this I'm not sure what club they were with not a biggie but a local to where ever they were from, and they started moshing with each other which is cool whatever, I could never in a million years mosh to "Babe" but you folks have at it. Well, in the process they kept slamming into to this lovely lady about 65, she'd move they slammed her, they knocked her down and moshing on her..............I don't give a shit how bad ass you are or you think you are ya don't knock an old lady down then jump on her. I hunched all up and "football" shouldered myself in there, and their little girl gets in my face really? I flicked her on her head and help the woman up. What a bunch of morons. I guess what I'm asking is Why are folks such jackasses away from home?
    Now I always had a great time at the Mann in Philly. I guess times do change and respect of our elders has too..........."T"
  • April 26, 2012 2:08 AM PDT
    Tumbles wrote...
    Geeze what is it with the chip, I was down there last summer watching a show It was Styx Ok so it wasn't a great one but it sure beat sitting at the campsite alone really was kind of jammed in there like sardines and this I'm not sure what club they were with not a biggie but a local to where ever they were from, and they started moshing with each other which is cool whatever, I could never in a million years mosh to "Babe" but you folks have at it. Well, in the process they kept slamming into to this lovely lady about 65, she'd move they slammed her, they knocked her down and moshing on her..............I don't give a shit how bad ass you are or you think you are ya don't knock an old lady down then jump on her. I hunched all up and "football" shouldered myself in there, and their little girl gets in my face really? I flicked her on her head and help the woman up. What a bunch of morons. I guess what I'm asking is Why are folks such jackasses away from home?
    Now I always had a great time at the Mann in Philly. I guess times do change and respect of our elders has too..........."T"

    Wow! kudos to you Tumbles! damn assjackets I swear! And moshing to Styx??? Come on people, its Styx for crying out loud! hahahahaha! But like I said, kudos to you Tumbles!