April 18, 2012 3:42 AM PDT
Hey who ever remembers way back when...time passes, memories fade, its a natural thing, thats why we have mates. mates help you remember those times. Maybe sometimes those times would be better off forgotten. But we're all bikers here, whats written here should stay here right?Thats right...
like the time of the pink bra, swirling on the electric roof fan...and the proprietor of the motel walking in and saying...com on fellas I told my wife you guys wouldn't be bringing any stray women in here. Al its cool..she's no stray..she 's a local...and she knows you!NO SHE DOES NOT!...topless coming out of the shower.."where's my pink bra...oh Hi Alan...Hows Mavis? She get over her bout?...Say Al....... can i borrow your car to take this lady home?...Sure...sure...anything you boyz need.
April 23, 2012 1:23 PM PDT
Nope, been sloshed the odd time or two but mostly just puked, fell down & passed out
April 23, 2012 1:25 PM PDT
April 23, 2012 1:53 PM PDT
LOL! I often dry my bras on the celling fans, things happen ya get stuff spilt there ya know..............."T"
April 23, 2012 4:15 PM PDT
LOL funny how folks have such short memorys??? ; ) then it comes back n bites em in the ass !!! precious stuff !! hehe
April 23, 2012 4:26 PM PDT
LOL! I often dry my bras on the celling fans, things happen ya get stuff spilt there ya know..............."T"
stuff???? Spilt??? Damn, my mind is in the gutter........................

April 23, 2012 7:47 PM PDT
I hate when I have to get the ladder out to get my bra off the chandelier tho!