tornado alley

  • April 15, 2012 4:00 AM PDT
    wow, what a day and what a nite!   90 tornadoes went through Ks  yesterday from 1:00 pm until 4:00 am.   couldnt watch anything on tv due to the constant coverage.   But thank goodness it was like that,  apparently people finally paid attention to the warnings and alerts.  So far in KS there has NOT been any deaths according to the news.    ME AND MY FAMILY ARE ALRIGHT!!!!      The storms started in Western KS and moved across the state.  Some areas saw 2-3 tornadoes before it was done.   Thank God there was only damage to property this time.    In my own area, we did not get hit but some were very close by. and headed our way...but they hit 10 miles to 60 milesaway (around the wichita area).  Yes about 10 PM me and my family hauled butt over to our neighbor's basement.   You just dont take chances in this kind of weather especially in  a mobile home. 

    Going through one of those storms  causes one to be on edge and watchful,  however it is horrible when it happens at nite.   You watch the news and weather and watch it come your way,   then you lose power and all you can do is sit and wait.   Thank goodness the house we were at did have a generator that came on shortly.   These storms are freaky when you can see them, but it really freaks you out when they come in the night.  I am so than
    kful that things werent as bad as they could have been.    
    My thoughts go out to those with damage, and I hope you all in the close by statesl ike Nebraska, Wisconsin, Iowa, MInnesota....
     that got the same storms after we did are ok  too.      Today is still windy and over cast but they say the weather is not going to be severe. 
    So just letting you all know that I am ok and glad to start a new day.   

    You all enjoy your weekend and ride safe if you go out!!

    • Moderator
    • 1516 posts
    April 15, 2012 4:03 AM PDT
    Glad you are safe, just crazy crazy weather..
  • April 15, 2012 5:56 AM PDT
    thanks for your thoughts. do appreciate it very much.
    • 3006 posts
    April 15, 2012 7:21 AM PDT
    Glad to see this post Bikersue,and that you are doing well with out getting nailed directly !! Prayers sent for all those folks who are facing a grim reality,hope the worse is over & they can get their lives back in order !!! Dont ever think folks here in Calif dont care WE DO !! & a lot of us have relatives back there we worry over when this sheit starts tearing peoples lives apart
    so stay safe n take cover when the sirens go !!
    • Moderator
    • 19067 posts
    April 15, 2012 7:26 AM PDT
    Happy all are safe from mother earth's dark side.