Snake wranglers/bikers

    • 1 posts
    April 10, 2012 2:09 PM PDT
    The things that seem to amuse us bikers and send chills up the spines of others.....our resident snake ctacher Marty is always intent on practising his talents..he is seen here with a small red bllied black snake..highly venomous...a known killer in children..but I ask you why would a snake wish to go into a wet pocket? Not content with trying to pocket it..he then decided to sit next too me, and try and socialise the bloody thing..

    The 3rd pic is of my son, Pete...who caught the Cornie I spotted...slithering between 2 harleys...the cornie escaped and found its way into the shed..3 weeks later. The sheds owner was he has little kids...the problem is the cornie was in the same shed and the red bellie...  
  • April 11, 2012 12:10 PM PDT
    the last one looks like a corn snake, I had one she was real sweet, Rambling Rosie passed on after 16 years. she was 6 feet and I loved walking her around my ghetto apartment complex in Jacksonville, (Arlington section), no one messed with me when she was with me, no body even tried to brake in, it was a good gard pet............LOL! "T"
    • 2 posts
    April 11, 2012 12:47 PM PDT
    Little Mother kept complaining about a snake in her flower garden.  Assumed it was a big garter snake and kept blowing her off for months. - I figure they suppress mice & the more the better.

    One day was using a torch & wearing a welding glove when wife came running up to me complaining about the snake. - Figure I will grab him & scare Little Mother.
    Go to the flower garden, see him lying parallel to the rock border figuring he is invisible.
    Grab him by the tail, pull him out and he strikes my gloved hand 3 damn times. - Not a garter snake, a damn, totally p'd, copperhead.
    Let him go in the fields and don't even get bragging rights - No way I can admit I let Little Mother work next to a poisonous snake for months.
    • 9 posts
    April 11, 2012 7:34 PM PDT
    Sheesh T, I live in Arlington. Does that mean I gotta get a bloody snake? LOL! Personally, I'd rather keep my 9 handy. But I can call it "Snake", if ya wan't...

    Ride Free
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    • 16870 posts
    April 12, 2012 4:29 AM PDT
    When I was a kid we used to go where my dad grew up for the rattlesnake hunt.
    Those eastern rattlesnakes were really big and a sack full was quite heavy.
    • 3006 posts
    April 12, 2012 4:46 AM PDT
    Out here in California,we have large variety of snakes.The most famous being the western diamondback rattlesnake.At one point in time they were almost wiped out.Locally we have a very rare snake nonvenomous thats about 12 inch long fully grown,with a red belly and beautiful reddish silver scales on the back.
    One day up the coast at a friends ranch,came out early in morning to go hiking,seen a very large snake which I mistook for a diamondback at first,my host laughed when I pointed it out,they said dont worry its just a King snake looking for diamondbacks to eat,apparently they like eating the young ones.
    I personally always have liked snakes,lizards etc,growing up here in Calif I came into contact with a lot of them.
  • April 12, 2012 5:29 AM PDT
    tweek I was the lightest toned person there im my complex, the hookers were in the next building, the dealers lived on the floor above me. I got into it with one of "ladies" I came home from work and was about ready to ride my bike into my apartment, and she stopped me gave me a rash of crap, her head was going and her mouth ran for about 5 minutes without saying a dam thing, I looked at her and said yeah I was raised in Camden darling my whole hood was latino so by the time you shut your yap, stop rolling your eyes, and booding the head I could have gutted ya, she looked at my hands and said where the hell that come from? I told her I know where I"m going to put it, she went off yelling about crazy white bitch so then the ladies left me be. One nice summer evening when everyone was just hanging about, I took Rosie out for a walk, grabbed two beers, put her on my neck and strolled out front of my building, yeah the gents left me be and no more rude comments. Yep I left that place 3 years later and not one problem. Amazing what a little snake can do for ya. I"m telling ya folks were terrified of miss rosie. LOL! have a great one! "T"
    • Moderator
    • 16870 posts
    April 12, 2012 5:58 PM PDT
    blurplebuzz wrote...
    Out here in California,we have large variety of snakes.The most famous being the western diamondback rattlesnake.At one point in time they were almost wiped out.Locally we have a very rare snake nonvenomous thats about 12 inch long fully grown,with a red belly and beautiful reddish silver scales on the back.
    One day up the coast at a friends ranch,came out early in morning to go hiking,seen a very large snake which I mistook for a diamondback at first,my host laughed when I pointed it out,they said dont worry its just a King snake looking for diamondbacks to eat,apparently they like eating the young ones.
    I personally always have liked snakes,lizards etc,growing up here in Calif I came into contact with a lot of them.

    I was training at 29 Palms back in the day, saw stuff I had never seen before, and the critters that came out at night as well.