Something old can become new again

    • 1780 posts
    April 5, 2012 3:39 AM PDT
    Probably most of you know that Angel Eyes and the Dragon are going through a Divorce, HOWEVER we are still having a Great time together. We go out to dinner and to the movies, and We still ride side by side together! I've crashed on her couch a few times, and some of our conversation at dinner is a bit strange.....I.e she tells me about her cheap dates that won't buy her dinner, so she always brings snacks in her purse. We were at SAMs club the other night and I was talking to a couple of young ladies about these inter souls for my boots, and Deb shouts from across the store. "Get her number we have to go"!!! She still always makes sure I keep my meds straight, and in some ways it seems like old times, and we only live 15 minutes apart. I believe that old saying ....Absense does make the heart grow fonder. 
    Now the cool thing is I can buy guns or Bike parts without trying to get to the UPS or mail box guy before her!

    Hey and one last thing.....I really appreciate everyone's concern in this matter
    You ARE the best Family on the Internet!!!!

    Night Dragon
    • 1855 posts
    April 5, 2012 11:34 AM PDT
    Amicable separation is always the best ND and I applaud you both. Still, it has to be hard on the inside. My hats off to you and I'm thinking every other beer will come with a toast to you.

    • 601 posts
    April 5, 2012 11:57 AM PDT
    hey dragon...good to see ya back, and in good form too, I knew you'd get around to guns eventually !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    hope that split with Angel works out for both of ye....just cos' you share a life, don't mean ye have to share dreams, sometimes the dream must wake up and find its own I'm sure ye both will too....anyway "mo chara" (friend in Gaelic) you know where I am.
    • 658 posts
    April 5, 2012 4:46 PM PDT
    Good to kow you both are doing well. Life does have it's twists and turns, but it always finds it's way. May you both be filled with happiness on your adventure.

    • 611 posts
    April 6, 2012 7:10 PM PDT
    Personally? Glad yer not climbing the walls (yer not, are ya?)
    For what it's worth (I've got 3 divorces, just not good at being married) I feel you should pinch it off. Spend less and less time w/her... Get yer head on straight, treat yerself with respect and move on.
    Edge 'BeenDarDunDat' Walker... (Good thoughts at 'cha)