• 9 posts
    April 2, 2012 7:46 AM PDT

    So, yeah, it's that time of year, when we all sit down, and figure out, if we owe our esteemed gov't money, OR if they owe us.  And with my business, I'm never really sure, which way the wind'll blow.  If the deductions are there, one can usually break even, or sometimes, even get a refund.  Well, due to the economy, I didn't make a whole lot, but due to the increases, in just about everything else, gas included, I actually am due a refund this year...YEA!!!  So, I got all of my ducks in a row, receipts, and all, filed electronicallly, cause I didn't make a substantial amount last year, (it was actually a laughable income, and I didn't think I was legally obigated to file, but they rolled the amount lower, so yeah, I did...).  Filled out all the necessary ppw, filed, and presto, was told the amount of my refund and the expected date it would hit my account.  Went and did some errands, with a smile on my face and everything was hunky-dory.  Until I came home, and opened my email.  The first letter, was from the IRS, REJECTING my return.  On account, that someone else has filed using either mine or "my dependants" SS#.  WTF???  And I have spent the better part of THIS day, trying to talk to a humanoid, about what has transpired, to no avail.  The local IRS, doesn't have personnel to "talk" to, the website www.irs.gov, was no help at all.  I saw no link or subsite, that helps with fraud, and no place I can go to "TALK" to a REAL LIVE PERSON...I may be a tad synical, or jaded, or something, but why the F**K does this BULLS**T always happen to me?  Is nothing EVER gonna be just ordinary, or easy, in my life!?!?!?!?!  If anyone out there, can help me with this little problemo, I'd be most grateful.  I want a real LIVE PERSON.  Not a freakin' talking rolodex...THANKS! 

    Ride Free 

    • 1855 posts
    April 2, 2012 8:30 AM PDT
    As much as it hurts, you NEED to go to H&R block or another tax firm to get answers. Sorry Tweek. I know about the BS. It happened to me a number of years ago. But take heart dear; it worked out.

    • 3006 posts
    April 2, 2012 12:37 PM PDT
    This happened with me n my ex one year,she tried to claim our daughter and I did also.Eventually we sorted it out after I went to the local irs office & brought some documents to show who was actually takin care of her,and my ex dropped it.
    Usually they have smome sort of contact # to speak with someone at the branch office.I did my taxes for years & no problems,the one time I did make error they corrected it & my taxes after I brought some papers in to show deductions were correct.Still owed a bit more,yet never made that error again.Isnt there a local branch office where you can speak to someone?
  • April 2, 2012 12:48 PM PDT

    Over here in the land of BRITS we have an office called C.A.B.  (citizens advice beureau)...anyone can go there for advice and to get fone numbers connected to your enquiry.....

    Do you have any kind of office there where you can go and get legal advice or an office that can direct you to the correct department to actually speak to a human?  There MUST be some kind of place like that...aint there?

  • April 2, 2012 1:50 PM PDT
    Take a deep breath and then exhale...I agree with Jimmyacorn, you may need some "professional" help since it involves a business BUT be leary of "PAYING" just any fly by night company to "assist" you with your taxes. If you are not getting any satisfaction via phone you might want to march on down to the local office (make sure you take EVERYTHING that might be helpful) It may end up being a huge time investment on your part and its probably going to be frustrating but let calm heads prevail and ask them to help you. If you go in with both guns ready to blast you will be met with road blocks instead of people willing to "work outside of the box" (read: do their f'n job) to help you out. It sucks!! Sorry to hear that your cheerios got p'ed in. Let me know how it works out!
  • April 2, 2012 1:53 PM PDT
    Use TurboTax - it's self explanatory ...it guides you along , then will check it for outstanding issues the IRS may catch ~
    • 9 posts
    April 2, 2012 3:48 PM PDT
    Tanks for the advice, Ya'll...and it WAS TURBO-Tax who I filed with. Filed online. Everything was great, everything looked good. THEN BAM! Another email, and I'm REJECTED. I have two new phone numbers to try again tomorrow, and I will. Or, barring further phone complication, I'm ready to "march down to the local IRS office." I'm not worried, that "I" have to prove anything, my son is college HERE, locally. And has no job. And I can prove just who has been helping him, with all of that. The school loan is in MY name. But somebody (and I have an idea or two on who), has used one or both of us as deductions on "their" return. As soon as I get to the bottom of this, and claim fraud of some kind, there's a real good chance that I WILL prosecute. (if it's who I think). If this is a random, identity theft. Well, then I'm pretty much screwed. But we'll have to see, tomorrow....

    Ride Free
    • 0 posts
    April 2, 2012 4:14 PM PDT
    Do yourself a favor and document all that you are going through to get this resolved. Trust me it will help in the long run if there are complications and they are trying to get you for not filing on time and other B.S. If you can show you have been trying and have documentation, they are a lot more forgiving.

    When you own any kind of business; document, document, document... (unless you have a cash based, not quite legit busioness... LOL)
    • 567 posts
    April 2, 2012 9:14 PM PDT
    Good luck with that Infernal Revenue Service (sic).
    It is hell trying to deal with any govt entity.
  • April 3, 2012 12:14 AM PDT
    GaryTJ wrote...
    Do yourself a favor and document all that you are going through to get this resolved. Trust me it will help in the long run if there are complications and they are trying to get you for not filing on time and other B.S. If you can show you have been trying and have documentation, they are a lot more forgiving.


    Excellent advise! 
  • April 3, 2012 4:11 AM PDT

    Tweek? I didn't read everbodys responses but I do agree with blurplebuzz,,,go to a IRS office but first check all your accounts n charge cards to see if your ID has or has not been stolen...the phone is usless in these issues because it's too easy for the person to give you lip service on the other end...I do hope n pray this will work out, you are a good person so please have faith n patience..

    On a lighter note? At tax time I get really angry n I ALWAYS get my weapons out n load n lock m all...However tween my love for Jesus n my patient Wife  I make it through...Gail does not let me get involved because my hate for the thieving Government...and I will say that I thank God for the little yellow pill I take every morning that keeps me from taking the wrong action..

    Love ya Tweek...n I sure love to read everything you post....
    Ice Bear...