Travel plans

    • 1855 posts
    March 31, 2012 6:48 AM PDT
    Looks like we're not going to be able to be gone as long as we wanted our first trip out.  I had my dog lined up to stay with a buddy for as long as we wanted to be away.  Unfortunately his dog and my dog don't quite see eye to eye, butt to nose, and that sort of thing.  Personally, I think I can make 'em get along within a couple of days but my buddy doesn't think so. And of course, that's his call.  I think the setting was wrong; both dogs on a leash at his place. Made my dog nervous.  Chester wanted to play but Sasha would have none of it.  Letting them run free at my place is the best way to go because my dog (Sasha) has never challenged a dog tht strayed into our yard.  Problem, Chester hasn't been trained to stick around (he's still young) and there is that chance he'll just bolt. 

    So, as much as I hate to do so, Sasha will have to go to the kennel and our trip will only last a week.  I hate putting her in a kennel.  It's like me being in jail.......
    I'm thinking that when we get home I'll build a kennel/run/house on my property.  I can get a neighbor or my son to check in on her and make sure she has food and water.  That shouldn't be a problem.  I rescued the dog 12 years ago.  She's a great dog. Very obedient. I walk thru the house and if she's in my way I'll say, "you're in my way" and she'll move.  It's pretty amazing how well she understands what I say. Great with kids.  In short, she's a sweetheart who only wants to be petted (every second of the day).

    • 9 posts
    March 31, 2012 9:17 AM PDT
    Awe, I'm sorry. There's no worse feeling than having plans fall thru, at the last minute. As far as Sasha, kenneling her for a week, will probably bother you, more than her. Dogs seem to be able to acclimate, somewhat easier than us humans. Just make sure when you get her back, to listen to her breathing and check for signs of coughing or gagging. Those are symptoms of "kennel cough". The best thing is to make sure she is up to date on all of her vaccines, however, she can be given a DD2PPC vaccine.
    DA2PPC Vaccine
    From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
    DA2PP, also known as DHPP, is a multivalent vaccine for dogs that protects against canine distemper, adenovirus type 2, parainfluenza, canine parvovirus, and canine coronavirus.

    This vaccine is usually given to puppies at 8 weeks of age, followed by 12 weeks of age, and then 16 weeks of age. This vaccine is given again at 1 year of age and then annually, or every 3 years. Some veterinarians' recommended vaccine schedules may differ from this.
    Check with your vet, but if she hasn't had one in over a year, I'd get one. It CAN be treated without the vaccine,
    with antibiotics and cough suppressants, however, it's better to prevent than treat, as this has a high re-occurance
    rate, especially in older dogs.
    She's a beautiful animal, Jimmy. I wish you lived closer to me. I'd dog-sit her, in a heartbeat!

    Have fun on your trip, and don't worry about "your girl", I think she'll be just fine.

    Ride Free

    • 1855 posts
    March 31, 2012 10:13 AM PDT
    Thanks Tweek. She's been in the kennel before; quite a few times really. And yes, she is the reason we cut our trips short. She's spoiled and well taken care of btw; sees the vet at least twice a year. Very kind of you. We ARE thinking of moving to Florida.

    • Moderator
    • 1516 posts
    March 31, 2012 10:47 AM PDT
    I guess you can build a dog run and have a neighbor stop by

    or have your good girl in the Kennel, Or maybe you just need to find the right outfit for her and then

    find the right bike for your dog