Man's best friend....really?

  • March 30, 2012 1:04 AM PDT
    Some of you may know this about me from former posts, but I love Rottweilers and blinging out my Street Bob.   The piece I've been working on all winter is my fuse box (see pic), so obviously I have to take pieces off my bike.  My hubby and I currently have two dogs, a female (Honey)who is 1 year and a male (Marcus Aurelius)who is 7 months.   Honey lives up to her name but Marcus is a hand-full, which brings me to this story.  Although crate trained, we decided to allow him and her "free" reign in our garage while we are at work.  This past Wednesday I found a horrifying thing when I got home after work.  Marcus has ripped all of my cables and wires off of my 2010 Harley.  He destroyed everything that was contained by the fuse box.  To add insult to injury, I had to clean up his vomit with pieces of my bike in it.  (Isn't this something that would get your ass beat down if you saw someone do this to yours?)  I cried so much my eyes were still swollen the next day.  Needless to say, the spawn of Satan is back in his crate.  This weekend my poor broken baby is going to the shop.  The little bastard cost me forward controls this year....

    So I'm curious, despite the chew toys, pig ears, & expensive raw hide that we provide, have any of your "best friends" destoyed anything loved?
    • 5420 posts
    March 30, 2012 1:43 AM PDT
    Nothing as bad as that. We got a new puppy in November and pretty much just a stolen slipper occassionally.  Then one day I realized the back yard was pretty dry and the grass was dying. That's when I realized swhe had chewed the wires off the automatic sprinklers and since they were scheduled to come on in the middle of the night, I never noticed they weren't working.
  • March 30, 2012 1:51 AM PDT
    well that's really sad cause I'm only out 2 pairs of gloves this year darn beagles (must be something with the right hand glove)
  • March 30, 2012 2:11 AM PDT
    I had a pair of Harley boots that my father gave me, I had them worn in just the way I wanted. the most comfortable boots I've ever had. Got up one morning to find pieces of leather all over the house and one good boot left..I was pissed.
    But I can't blame the dog, Puppies chew stuff, and especially like leather.
  • March 30, 2012 2:30 AM PDT
    Young pups will do what's in their nature. Chewing on things is normal. I guess he lost his freedom in the garage privileges huh?
    • Moderator
    • 19067 posts
    March 30, 2012 2:31 AM PDT
    WOW That is an amazing story. And Damned funny from my perspective. Ya gotta love dogs! Because they don't know how to be anything but a dog!
    Had a pair of H&H biker/engineer boots that my girl Josie chewed the top off of. But I could still wear them and did until they finally wore out.
  • March 30, 2012 3:12 AM PDT
    You got that right, LCStrat!
    I think dogs know what costs the most money, you know? What's wrong with that old bucket over there on the floor? Chew on that! Nooooooooo, that Harley Davidson looks way too tasty!
    • 9 posts
    March 30, 2012 3:40 AM PDT
    Dang Jill, that sucks out loud! I think I'll cry for ya, right now....

    My dogs, decided to chew up my chaps and Jacket, that I'd hung in the laundry room, after a seriously wet ride.
    They were hanging just at the level their little mouths could reach. (one a yorkie, the other a sheltie) I was lucky
    all they could get to were the bottom of the sleeves, and the bottoms of the chaps. And there was enough fringe
    on the chaps that the damage didn't really show. The jacket...MY JACKET, that I'd had, since 1985, however,
    had perceptible damage. And I was heartbroken. I cleaned it up as best I could, and I still wear that jacket.
    It's my riding partner, and I don't go anywhere on a bike without it. It's had other "repairs", like a new zipper and such, and it's got scrape marks, from where I've been down. It's even got a "brand" from the 50th Anniversary of
    Bike Week.

    I gave both those dogs away, shortly after that. One, I had my son, (conceived on that 50th Anniversary, trip!),
    and neither was good around a newborn, and two...I didn't want any repeat performances, from the varmits.

    Hope you can forgive the dog...(puppy). He was just doin' what puppies do. My dogs, however...both older,
    and both knew better!

    Ride Free
  • March 30, 2012 4:59 AM PDT
    I had a half breed Akita/Shepard I rescued from the shelter when I came to So Cal. I didn't know anyone so I needed a friend. I looked for weeks in several shelters and didn't find any companions until that fateful day I was walking out again and seen this sqirrelly dog on the end of a rope being lead to another building. I told the attendant I wanted "that one". He said no, you can't have that one. "He's trouble". I said again that was the dog I wanted so they let me take him on the condition I could return him when he doesn't work out. He was on his way to being euthinized. I lead him out to my car and told him we were going to be friends, opened the door for him to jump in and he laid down in the parking lot. Now granted he wasn't a big dog but having to pick him up and put him in my car he was a heavy dog. I didn't know what to name him so I called him "dog" for about 3 months before I named him Nakima Dog. He turned out to be one of the most wonderful dogs I have ever owned. One day when speaking with my mom on the phone she asked me if we had received our package she had sent my daughter and I said no. Out in the back patio area I noticed a piece of plastic sticking out of the ground and pulled it out (along with about 10 more) and seen it was string cheese that my mom had mailed and Nakima had opened and buried. He never caught a frisbee but would "take out" a dog at the moment of catching one. Many angry dog owners at the beach. He wouldn't let you catch him when it was time to go home but always came close enough for you to almost touch. We had the whole beach trying to catch this dog many times.

    I know what you mean by how upset you were when your dog ate and tore up your bike. Nakima use to chew everything that had my scent on it from socks, undies and especially shoes. I constantly had to buy new shoes and my feet were always swollen. Came home one day to find yet another pair of shoes chewed up and lost it. I felt like shoving the shoe down his throat until he got the message.

    When my boyfriend and I broke up he had custody of Nakima and on a trip to Mexico he and his friends stopped on the side of the freeway to take a leak and Nakima apparently had to take a leak too and jumped out of the car getting hit in mid-air by a passing car. Broke my heart. I have many great memories of Nakima and was grateful I rescued him.

    I was mad at my X that he was so stupid as to let my dog get killed but apparently he too was an emotional wreck and went out and got hammered getting locked up in a Mexican jail. Not saying it paid him back for what he did, just saying it might have helped me feel better.
  • March 30, 2012 9:11 AM PDT

    I had a rescue kitten one time, it was called "Spanner".....I only had it a couple of months as it came to me as a rescue and I try hard not to get too attached to them as they are being rehomed into a permanent loving home...

    The reason it was called Spanner?

    It got out the house and came and found me under a truck working on saw me put down a spanner and went up to it and picked up one end and ran backwards with it away from where I was I thought it quite funny...and then as I did it again the kitten did it again...not quite so funny now as this was repeated several matter what spanner I used it was dragging them away just far enough that I had to get out from under the truck to play go fetch...

    So it got called Spanner.....But I had the last

    Every time I was going to put down a spanner I was intending to use again as I put it down I picked up and put down a huge heavy kept trying to pick that one up and because it was too big it was struggling to even get its mouth around it and was frustrated doing it but it kept

    Spanner was a small black and white "moggy" type kitten...a friend of mine took her and kept the name...he had a selection of small spanners indoors for the cat to play would often be seen bringing spanners into the living room when guests were in...walking with it just like a dog walking with a want your hand striped?  TRY TAKING IT AWAY FROM A LIVELY 3 YEAR OLD CAT!!!

    (Yeah, I know, what we Brits call a spanner you guys in States call a wrench, no correction needed ok? dont forget-we invented the language!!!

    • 2 posts
    March 31, 2012 9:57 AM PDT
    Never had a dog destroy anything that expensive, not sure how I would feel. - 1st impulse would be to grab the Springfield, but so far have managed to stifle that particular impulse.
    You will have to wait to see how the dog turn out to know how you really feel.
    About 1980 dog chewed the corner of the baseboard moldings. - I got upset & scolded him fiercely.
    Last summer decided to replace the moldings. When I got to that corner it reminded me of Zeke & could not bring myself to take the reminder away. Carefully pried the baseboards away, sanded them, re-varnished them & put them back with teeth marks still in place.
  • April 4, 2012 3:23 AM PDT
    That's kind of sweet, Savage. I can't be so forgiving right now though. I got the quote back yesterday from the shop. Just $1500.00 will get my bike back in shape!