I want to put a dry, open primary on my Softail. I have a couple of questions...
1) Any tips or things I should think about to install it.
2) Are there any real disadvantages to a dry primary vs a wet (stock) primary?
Any input is appreciated.
Hey GoFur, I was looking for something else and came across this article at StreetChopper...
I must say I do agree with RexTheRoadDog though...they scare me. As a matter-of-fact here is how the article on installing them starts...
There are dangerous moving parts with covers over certain areas to protect the ignorant. The open belt primary appears naked because of the exposed springs, rubber, and pulleys. The sound is different, too. As the motor is revved there is a subtle whine that sounds intimidating like the belt on a blown V-8. Glancing at the other motorcycles in the parking lot, it isn't hard to notice that all their primaries are covered, as if they aren't proud of what's underneath. What are they hiding under all that chrome? An open beltdrive is a commitment. It is dangerous because you know that belt is moving fast and can tear your pants apart if they're caught in the pulley. You have to understand how it works so you don't hurt yourself when you're near it. The next time your woman hops on the back of your bike you have to tell her to be careful and respect one more part of the motorcycle -- the hot pipe on the right and the spinning beltdrive on the other. You can't just ignore the machine, you have to know its behavior to avoid injury. The bike is suddenly more alive than it ever was.