How's Bout Ya'll? Specially Tweek!

  • March 13, 2012 5:28 AM PDT
     I joined cf the first sometime in 09, then I got my tail in knot cause one of my posts were deleted so after
     aimleseley wandering round the internet looking for a biker site I couldn't find one that was for me.
    So? I rejoined 9/17/2010 and that was a great decision....

    NOW, Boutya'll...

    Lucky n the team of moderators do a great job keeping this site Clean/Fun but still biker attitude...Ok we've
    all got that ight?

    Everyone that is active here has great input n I learn from ya'll...But I wanna pick on Tweek...

    Tweek? You never cease to amaze me...You are so well rounded with you knowledge and attitude...
    You are passionate about life and always positive, even in hard times.

    Thank you for your Fun/Serious/Passionate postings and most of all, thank you for  your HONESTY   I  you!

    Ice Bear...Forage Well...

  • March 13, 2012 5:32 AM PDT

    I "almost" it was the nature of people on here that kept me here...keep up the good work Moderators and Contributors...
    • 395 posts
    March 13, 2012 5:39 AM PDT
    we all get our tails in a knot when something is deleted.....but in all honesty this site is like a big family, and when ever you get out of line somebody always steps in to set you straight..and after you calm down and think about it you realize it was done for the greater good of the "family"...kind of like being sent to your room,lol..but if you ever need can always count on a ton of brothers and sisters right here who have always got your back.......and we all know Tweek is can learn so much wisdom from the humblest of sources.......
    • 580 posts
    March 13, 2012 11:11 AM PDT
    That's what it's all about RandyJoe (o: Family and kinship, accepting that we're all different and that we occasionally have things that may just tip the balance. But knowing that there is the support and friendship here really helps when it all gets out of kilter. Tweek? Well you've about said it all except I just wanna say I love this lady to bits and one day I hope to give her a proper hug instead of my usual virtual ones from across the pond. :oD
    • 1161 posts
    March 13, 2012 11:24 AM PDT
    I joined in '09 and had a post deleted. Don't remember what it was about but my panties were all in a bunch about it, I took a week or two off and missed being here while I could. Have not left since (baring losing my computer and laptop) now with my busted IPod Touch atleast I can still type and kind of chat on here.
  • March 13, 2012 1:04 PM PDT
    we all get our tails in a knot when something is deleted.....but in all honesty this site is like a big family, and when ever you get out of line somebody always steps in to set you straight..and after you calm down and think about it you realize it was done for the greater good of the "family"...kind of like being sent to your room,lol..but if you ever need can always count on a ton of brothers and sisters right here who have always got your back.......and we all know Tweek is can learn so much wisdom from the humblest of sources.......

    Amen and ditto Lola. Haven't been here long, but happy I joined. I don't participate as much as I could, maybe still feeling burns from "other" place, but read (lurk, lol) most everything. Lots of good people, advice, and just plain fun here. And I agree that Tweek is awesome, as are the rest of the folk here, and wish Tweek all the best, if she's listening! Most awesome is Lucky, for keeping it a great place to home to! Hugggs to ya all!!!!!
    • Moderator
    • 1516 posts
    March 13, 2012 3:40 PM PDT
    I agree with all said above, Tweek is awesome as is lotsa people on here. I have been here since, um I don't know a long time. I am not here a lot lately, been so busy at work but I love the people here..
    • 9 posts
    March 13, 2012 6:05 PM PDT

    OMGosh...I..dunno what to say.  I am humbled beyond words. 

    But lemme try, K? 

    THANK YOU!!!    YOU GUYS ROCK!    Ride Free   TWEEK

    And Randy, you have been a good friend, since the beginning. And your posts are always awesome. Give yerself a pat on the back!  A lot of wisdom in them words...

    • 0 posts
    March 13, 2012 6:33 PM PDT