My name is Tracy. I have been riding for a year. I believe that I am still new. I know that it's possible to ride motorcycles in the snow. How can I do so without being unsafe and scared out of my chaps?
I just love it when the snow is fresh then ... I am a crazy B****rd anyway, lol, ...
SALT : THats what WD-40 is for right? when prepping bike for winter I spray the whole of the lower frame and lower areas and wheel rims(NOT Tyres!!!) with WD-40 ... what this does is lay down a protective coating that stops the salt from penetrating ... just dont spray the tyres is a good run out a quick wipe with a soft cloth and re-spray of WD and its ready for the next time...Spring comes around and its a wash off anyway, no damage, no salt and no risk of it from riding in Winter.....Try it, You may just like it.....but read the post I added earlier in this message thread first ok? Tyres want to be almost flat to ride on snow....its all good experience and all good fun.....