Go BIG or Stay Home?

  • March 5, 2012 10:30 AM PST
     Well I am in need of some advice so who better to ask than my biker family?  

    As most of you know I do have a blog page IEDarla.com that is dedicated solely to the ride. It's called Stories, Lies & Biker Dives.  It is continually under construction.  This last week I have been sick, dealing with a very personal issue and just rolling it all around in my head as to where to go next. I know what I need to do, but frankly it is terrifying.

    Over the past few months a few things have gone down.  First I was approached by a production company to take my videos to the next level.  Well, I had already planned on doing some of the things that they suggested. But in dealing with the big cheese I found that there was only room for one ego, (mine) I kid... and he had quit the temperment which I have NO time for.

    So now here I am and I have had to make a decision as what to do next.  So here is the skinny.  I have had nothing but good feed back all the way around, regardless of it being my blog page or YouTube.  I am more surprised by those who are watching or reading.  I know how many people read or watch, and where they come from such as clicking a link from Facebook, GoPinkMag or even here on CF.  But I have no way of knowing WHO that person is unless they leave me a message or comment.

    Over the last couple of months I have been surprised by those who have approched me when I have been out and said they have been watching and reading and how much they enjoy it. Actauuly knowing WHO they are is pretty amazing and I have been shocked on more that a few occasions. This is what keeps me going.

    So, my problem.  Do I take the BIG plunge and buy my own equiptment and do the work on my own?  This is the fork in the road,  I either go for it, or end it.  There is nothing in  between.  I have done what I can do here, now it is time to take it on the road.  For those of you that read my page or visit my YouTube,  you have no idea what it does behind the scenes everytime you click on one of my links or google me.  It's a huge deal.  I know through my blog page what search terms and engines are being used to find me.  Certainly Lucky can attest to how that whole thing works,

    I have a list of events and places I need to do work on, but it's that nagging thing, do I go big, or keep my ass on the porch?
    • 2 posts
    March 5, 2012 11:08 AM PST
    Sure ain't go'na give advice on marketing ether, I know about pouring metal & making big, blue chips, but questions to ask:
    * What will my life look life if this enterprise goes completely south?
    * What percentage of my costs, if any, will I be able to recover?
    * Can I continue my lifestyle if I am unable to recover anything?
  • March 5, 2012 11:33 AM PST
    coulda,woulda,shoulda,if you try,and fail,well you know what not to do next time,if you don't try,well there may be that nagging wondering feeling what if? Easy for me to say I have no stake in this endeavor.
  • March 5, 2012 11:47 AM PST
    Savage. the answers to your questions are:
    1) The Same
    2) There is no way to know, if everything goes right it will be a new career...(I am by trade a PM from the Building Industry, unemployed)
    3) Yes

    TG, those are questions I don't want to have to ask myself. Uggg....This is a one chance deal. I feel sick.
  • March 5, 2012 1:05 PM PST
    when folks lay on the death bead the regrets are not what they have done, they regret what they haven't done. have a great one! "T"
  • March 5, 2012 1:38 PM PST
    I probably shouldn't even comment. 99Savage and tourglide covered both sides of the decision very well. This is something only you can answer for yourself. I like praying and looking for open or closed doors while weighing all the options. Only you know in your heart what is best for you. Best wishes!
  • Ry
    March 5, 2012 5:38 PM PST
    I'd love to say just go for it, but I know myself how expensive it can be to buy all the equipment to run a full production... My recommendation would be to partner up with someone who is willing to share some of the production cost and work, so you can save yourself a whole lot of stress.

    There are numerous small production companies (even startups) that are eagerly looking for someone to work with. Depending on what your shoot is planning on, I may even be able to help. I have some contacts that may be able to work with you.
  • March 5, 2012 6:07 PM PST
     My plan is just to work with just a camcorder with some extras thrown in. I have spent weeks looking into what camcorder I can use that is HD and has everything I need and found it in a Canon for a decent price. 
    I was working with a production company but the cost per hour to shoot, even at a very cut rate was stoopid, then the problem compounded itself with having to go to out of area events. The other production Co that I had considered working with is now in Gettysburg on another shoot. So I am going to wing it for the moment. But RY, do PM me with anything that may be helpful.

    And here is the newest from Stories Lies & Biker Dives
  • March 5, 2012 6:08 PM PST
    Oh and Tumbles... E X A C T L Y,
  • March 6, 2012 6:36 AM PST
    Ummmmm, in my case its FULL SPEED AHEAD and hang the consequences...but thats just me...lol...

    Contact local Universities that have production equipment and have students who want their first big challenge.....Talk to the Tutors first to find out what resources they actually have, find someone capable of doing what you need, even hold interviews along with their tutors to find the ones you need to act as a production crew...the benefits are.....

    1. You get what you need...

    2. They get practical experience...

    3. Costs are swallowed by the education budget...

    4. Post production is also cost free, if they have a production suite they will also have a post production suite...

    Contact EVERY University within a distance you are prepared to travel to, and go there with your business plan and layout detailing every step ready to put to them in easy to see form...I will be willing to bet that they will jump at the chance for some practical experience for their advanced students.....or final year students.....

    I have done it here in England when I was stopping the closure of an animal sanctuary years ago and they came out from our local University to do the Production of a help needed video supporting the animal shelter....it was very successful...
    How much did it cost me? Nada, Nothing, Zero, Zilch, Not A Bloomin' Penny My Dear.....

    Check it out ... you may be quite pleasantly surprised!!!
    • 395 posts
    March 6, 2012 6:48 AM PST
    Ms.T hit it on the head...i say if you really want it, go for it. as for taking on a partner be careful..it's really hard finding someone that you can work with that doesn't try to take over or take the money and run...sit down and formulate a plan of what you need and how much it will cost you to put it all in motion...jetman has a great angle...wish you the best of luck!
  • March 6, 2012 7:22 AM PST
    My many thanks to everyone. I realized in doing some thinking that one of my sons best friends from the Corps, just graduated from the LA film School last year... DUH.... So I am going to speak with him. And Lola, your right, no partners for me... I would rather struggle and go it alone, I have enough of my own issues, I don't need someone else's ego and agenda in the way. That's why I dumped the other Production Co.
    • 9 posts
    March 6, 2012 9:08 AM PST
    You want to know if you should do this. Seems to me, you already ARE! Sure, it would be great if you can make the upgrade. And JETMAN is 100% spot on with the college connection. My son, who is taking web design has a film making class which WANTS them to go and film, "real world" stuff. And I think any film student worth his weight, would want to be a part of your docu-films. Name me one kid, who isn't fascinated by the "biker world"! It's a win-win! Do your homework, though, babygirl. And make sure the students carry the liability for all the equipment
    you would be using. That falls in under THEIR tuition costs. Make sure you get them to sign waivers or something
    like them, before you start any project. I also, like what LCStrat said about praying, beforehand. Run everything
    by HIM first. Talk to HIM, like you would any of us. HE'S listening. I will say a prayer for you also. What you're doing, is a good thing. Takes some of the stigma out of peoples eye's. Eh? Many Blessings.

    Ride Free
  • March 6, 2012 1:27 PM PST
    It's up to the old antage....Run with the big dogs or stay on the porch...or...Are you going to make butt prints in the sands of life? or are you going to make foot prints in the sands of life?

    Ice Bear...Forage Well...
  • March 6, 2012 3:11 PM PST
    Well one of my biggest worries has been laid to rest. I spoke with my ex, AKA, Mr. Wonderful. He is a marketing guru. My biggest worry to be really honest, was running in the same circles should we not work things out. So, with that settled. He gave me some very sound advice, He ask me very good questions and answer them, even though he already knew the answers. I thought I was going to vomit, but my fears are really baseless, which he pointed out.

    Great points you make Tweek. I think I am going to save everyone's comments for future use! And yes, God is in everything.

    It's up to the old antage....Run with the big dogs or stay on the porch...or...Are you going to make butt prints in the sands of life? or are you going to make foot prints in the sands of life?

    Love that.... and you know what? I love my CycleFish family, and I want to tell everyone of you thanks for taking your time and replying to my post for reading my blog and visiting my YouTube. And speaking of media, Did you know CF has a Facebook Fan page? I have never seen a FB like button anywhere here... Just Sayin'
  • March 6, 2012 6:07 PM PST
    From what I've seen I'm very impressed! GO FOR IT!
    • Moderator
    • 19067 posts
    March 6, 2012 8:31 PM PST
    Darla, a philosophy of mine is simply stated but requires a little 'splainin...
    Never forget your Dreams... but You have to get off your but and MAKE them happen.

    Do your homework to see if this venture is viable
    research, research, and research some more (which it appears you are doing)
    Once begun do not look back or down, only forward.

    And finally even a financialy failed venture can be the fullfillment of a dream.

  • March 9, 2012 10:49 AM PST
    Well, What did you decide on finally?

    Big Pond???
  • March 9, 2012 11:03 AM PST
    I will move forward, but I have been really sick, so I have not had the energy for anything...
  • March 9, 2012 11:17 AM PST

    "Git 'er Done "

    ...as one of your fellow countrymen once said...lol...hey, get better quick right?