A favor

    • 1855 posts
    February 24, 2012 7:40 AM PST
    From an old dude....If ya'll could use a larger font in your blogs that would be great.  I enjoy the blogs but trying to finish the read squinting is not enjoyable.
    Thanks all.

    • 9 posts
    February 24, 2012 7:45 AM PST
    Yeah...I just don't look as sexy in my reader's dude...lmao

    Ride Free
    • 1855 posts
    February 24, 2012 7:58 AM PST
    Tweek wrote...
    Yeah...I just don't look as sexy in my reader's dude...lmao

    Ride Free

    Thing is I don't have "readers" or bifocals.  Retina surgery years ago made those impossible.  Each eye ends up reading a different line. And really, you most likely look just fine.


    • 5420 posts
    February 24, 2012 8:41 AM PST
    Hey Jimmy. Here is a tip for you....

    If you are using Windows and something is too small to read

    Hold the Ctrl Key down and hit the + (plus sign) Key. Each time you hit + you magnify the screen 10%.

    Hold Ctrl and hit the - (minus) Key to make it smaller

    Hold Ctrl and hit 0 (zero) to return the screen to its original size.

    This not only works on the internet, but in all Windows programs!
    • Moderator
    • 19067 posts
    February 24, 2012 9:03 AM PST
    Lucky wrote...
    Hey Jimmy. Here is a tip for you....

    If you are using Windows and something is too small to read

    Hold the Ctrl Key down and hit the + (plus sign) Key. Each time you hit + you magnify the screen 10%.

    Hold Ctrl and hit the - (minus) Key to make it smaller

    Hold Ctrl and hit 0 (zero) to return the screen to its original size.

    This not only works on the internet, but in all Windows programs!

    And for us Mac users (OS X) it is the Command Key instead of the control Key

    • 1855 posts
    February 24, 2012 11:05 AM PST
    Yeah, I do that. Reading a post at nearly 400% still sucks
  • February 24, 2012 11:33 AM PST

    Get Yerself Some Milkbottle
    Glasses Jimmy...lol...

    Can Ya Read It Now? YeeeHaaar!!!

    • 1161 posts
    February 24, 2012 3:36 PM PST
    That is one reason I like my IPod Touch but I only get half of an inch to type in. But I can make it closer and bigger print just wish this was not cracked to hell.
  • February 24, 2012 4:39 PM PST
    Reading Glasses from the dollar store! Can ya see me now? Can ya see me now?
    • 1855 posts
    February 24, 2012 11:38 PM PST
    O.K. here's the deal. I'm not blind. Vision in my left eye is corrected to nearly 20/20...same Rx I've had for most of my life. My right eye surgery was physical surgery (not laser); operatiion lasted 3 hours and I was awake......it was pretty cool actually. According to some VA doctors, the eye surgeon (not a VA guy) performed a miracle on my right eye and they are amazed at how well I do see. I just can't (always) make the eyes read together and there aren't any glasses anywhere that can make that happen. I can read the eye charts fine with my glasses on. I have to take my glasses off to read. Bifocals for close up reading won't work simply because there's too big a difference between the left and right eye and they won't focus together. Maybe I should just close my right eye, eh?!!!!
    As for my "favor"; it's for those who blog and use the smallest or default font. It just helps if it's a bit larger. Blogs are normally longer than regular posts as I said and even an entertaining or interesting blog gets to be a hassle to get into with smaller font.
    Also, FYI....the highlighting of text can be difficult for some (not me) to read; especially people who lean towards color-blindness. Just thought I'd mention that.

    Thanks for seeing the humor in all of this, BTW.

  • February 25, 2012 3:58 AM PST

    Hey Dude, no problems...lol...I will always (as we say in ENGLAND) Take The P*$$!!!  But of course, I mean no malice by it...lol...I JUST LIKE TAKING THE P*$$!!!!!!

    I ALWAYS expect it back too though...hehehehehe!!!

    This is also why with the colour text I generally use PRUSSIAN BLUE .....

    It shows as a very positive black with a colour blind friend of mine...he finds black is just grey by comparison...