Ideas for a great vacation

  • April 14, 2009 4:50 AM PDT

    Okay, everyone.  My sweetie  has asked me to come up with a great place for him to take me for a getaway.  This needs to be somewhere we can ride and enjoy peace and quiet as well as each other.  Soooooo....I want suggestions of places that would be good.....thanks for your help.

  • April 14, 2009 4:55 AM PDT
    How far are you wanting to ride? The Smokie Mountains are really nice. Lots of little cabin get-a-ways, and lots of great riding. You can find nice little creeks to have a picnic by, or just relax on a porch swing. I think you would enjoy the romance of the area and your sweetie would definitely enjoy the riding.
  • April 14, 2009 5:41 AM PDT
    thanks...i've thought of the smokies...the distance really isn't an issue at this point. i just want to have a couple of things to put out there for him to choose from. i'm not used to being the one to decide where to go. LOL in the past, the guy i was with just said what we were doing and we did. so for me to be able to pick a place is kind of mind boggling!! LOL
    • 39 posts
    April 14, 2009 10:19 AM PDT
    How long are you planning to be on the road? also, what time of year?
  • April 14, 2009 11:23 AM PDT
    probably about a week. i'm not sure when, he's left that open too.
    • 39 posts
    April 14, 2009 11:49 AM PDT

    Well, I'm biased but if your looking for seclusion, northern Michigan is great.  Lots of freshwater beach tourist spots or cabin-in-the-woods kinda areas too.  To get totally off the beaten path, the Upper Peninsula is something akin to entering another country.  Look at this site to get an idea:


    As far all out scenery, I'd have to say going through the mountains in Pennsylvania is the best I've experienced.  Every few miles is another view that looks like it belongs on a postcard.

    • 5420 posts
    April 14, 2009 11:51 AM PDT

    Hi Sunny,


    I agree with Toni.  With you in FL the Smokie Mountians would be a short ride there and it is a beautiful place.  We were there last year for my sons wedding and are just dying to go back.  We only had a short visit and of course were busy with the wedding, but there area was great.  Like Toni said there are great little cottages to stay in and some of the greatest riding & relaxing territory I have seen.


    You may also want to check out some of the motorcycle only lodging in the area.  There are lots of campgrounds and cottages in TN & NC that are for bikes only.  You can find a few here... Motorcycle Camping.



    • 39 posts
    April 14, 2009 1:23 PM PDT
    Also, check out this site
  • April 14, 2009 2:34 PM PDT
    thanks lucky and frank. i've been to the smokies a few years ago. the trip this time would be way more enjoyable. LOL that was where i first thought of when he said for me to pick a place. i know he has never done the dragon before it looks like that is gonna be the place. but i'm still open to other suggestions. parents are from grandmother had a place in Kalkaska. do you know where that is?
    • 39 posts
    April 14, 2009 7:55 PM PDT
    Yeah! I'm in the thumb (Lapeer) and we always head up-north for our getaways. I do think the dragons tail will be fun for you, never been there but damn it looks like fun.
    • Moderator
    • 19067 posts
    April 15, 2009 12:15 AM PDT
    Hey Sunny,
    I have to agree with all, the whole TN - NC border area is great. If shopping is of interest there is Gatlinburg TN and of course Dollywood, saw Charlie Daniels there. I have put that area on the route of 'Ride for Sophie'. FYI the movie 'Last of the Mohicans' was filmed there.
  • April 15, 2009 12:36 AM PDT

    thanks again....looks like it's gonna be the smokies...HE can decide when.  LOL


    Frank - the dragon is fun to ride, probably more for the driver, but i did enjoy it when i was there a few years ago.  we rode it in the pouring down rain!  if you haven't been there, you should try to get there sometime.


    thanks again everyone, once we decide where we are going, and actually go, i'll post pics.




  • April 15, 2009 6:48 AM PDT
    Gatlinburg can be a little pricey and crowded during the summer. There are some nice roads and cabins in North Ga.
    Warning...Shameless Plug... We have a cabin and a B&B in NE Alabama.
  • April 15, 2009 6:52 AM PDT
    thanks for the tip jrobinson... BUT, i had a really really bad experience in Alabama and will no longer even travel THROUGH it....
    • 5420 posts
    April 15, 2009 6:58 AM PDT
    jrobinson wrote...
    Gatlinburg can be a little pricey and crowded during the summer. There are some nice roads and cabins in North Ga. Warning...Shameless Plug... We have a cabin and a B&B in NE Alabama.


    Johnny,  As a business member you can post plugs and they are not considered "shameless" as long as they are in reply to another members needs or question.


    Johnny's B&B is The Chapman House

  • April 15, 2009 7:57 AM PDT
    Here is a site that has cabins in the N. Ga area. For other states go to
  • March 11, 2011 1:15 AM PST
     For sale 500.00 gift certificate To Fontana Village Resort at the tail of the Dragon. expires 09/08/2012 valid for 5days 4 nights for up to 4 ppl and 2 activity passes and pontoon tour. asking 400.00
  • March 11, 2011 2:02 AM PST
    If you are heading to the NC, Tenn area to ride the mountains you should look into the Iron Horse Lodge. Very bike friendly, owners are great people and the riding is great. The Tail of the Dragon is right down the road.
  • March 11, 2011 2:57 AM PST
    i am biased to the texas hill country and the guadalupe river in new braunfels, texas
  • March 11, 2011 3:55 AM PST
    Gotta say the smokies. The better half and I went up for a weekend and rented a cabin. Gatlinburg/Pigeon Forge areas are nice for rides also. Biggest consideration there would be cost as rates go up during tourist season.
    • 0 posts
    March 12, 2011 12:12 AM PST
    Jebus H Crust girl...Theres only one place in the whole bloody world that you can ride from the outback to the bloody beach,have a quick skinny dip then head to a rippa pub for lunch and a few beers....They call it Queensland Australia..Might be worth a look if you pair wanna get fair dinkum about a bloody holiday...CHEERS BOOF
  • March 12, 2011 2:06 AM PST
    Sunny - If you dress like your profile pic I would think just about anywhere would work!
    • 9 posts
    March 12, 2011 5:56 AM PST
    I don't know if you're looking to bust the whole week, riding to your destination. But my vote goes west of where you are now. Take a short putt to Bradenton. On the west coast just a little south of Tampa. There are some awesome entertainment venues, and if you can wait until the week after Easter, the lodging prices drop dramatically. And they have a fantastic assortment of restaurants and clubs, most are moderately priced. It's a fun ride, and when you get there, you'll have tons of time to do whatever blows your skirt up. Stop in at any AAA office and they'll map out a trip-tic for ya'll and they have Zaggat books for the best of the best recommendations. Have Fun Kids!!!
    Ride Free
    • 1 posts
    March 17, 2011 3:53 AM PDT
    When w/ my mate my choice is the Florida Keys - The riding is boring but the destinations are unreal