It finally caught up...

    • 9 posts
    February 11, 2012 9:54 PM PST

    She had a beautiful voice. She made me cry singin' "I will always love you". But I knew, in my heart, that if she didn't get "right", her light was gonna go out.  Say what you will, (and there are plenty of jokes to be had), but the woman could sing.  And it's a damn shame, that one more person, has been lost to a drug, that stole a lotta years from me. Years, that I'll never get back.  But at least I'm still here, and that God helped me, when I was finally ready to quit.  There is a stigmatizm with the drug, and people just don't understand what it's really like.  NONE of us wanted what we ended up with.  It's an insideous, evil thing.  Very hard to shake.  If I compared it to heroin, would you understand? 
    I don't know about anyone else, but I'm sayin' a prayer for her children. They won't care why she died, just that she did. 
    RIP Whitney, and may God grant you the rest, you seek.  />

    Ride Free 

    • 567 posts
    February 11, 2012 10:31 PM PST
    Kids do NOT deserve to go thru life without their mom .. no matter who she is/was.
    Pray for the children.
  • February 11, 2012 11:02 PM PST
    It is all about the children now for sure. She did have a great voice and that will be missed.
  • February 12, 2012 1:45 AM PST
    It's easy to forget that the celebrities we see plastered all over magazine covers are real people with the same human frailties as the rest of us. Rest in peace.
    • 2072 posts
    February 12, 2012 2:08 AM PST
    Truly a sad loss....... People just don't realize the damage that drugs can and will do to the human body. When are we going to learn from the mistakes of others. I agree with wolkpack...... Celebrities are only human and make the same mistakes and bad choices as everyone else. However, because of their status it becomes more public as they have no private life. That being said, it brings to light the dangers of what drug abuse does. We have lost so many great entertainers over the years, Janis, Otis, ect..... Why would anyone think it only happens to the rich and famous ????
  • February 13, 2012 4:04 PM PST
    Drugs claimed the lives of many legendary musician/singers. Some that come to mind are: Jimi Hendrix, Janis Joplin,etc. I'm glad God saw you through it Tweek. I ride with CMA and Faith Riders. We don't impose ourselves upon others, but we are there to point to the answer who offers real help.
    • 3006 posts
    February 13, 2012 5:20 PM PST
    May she rest in peace & my condolences to her family n friends,she did have an incredible popularity & an amazing voice.Its certainly sad,as it reminds one of others who have preceded her..

    Yet in a sense I think its like blaming guns for all the killing thats done someone pulled the trigger rite? Its some sort of social disease or behavior thats picked up,encouraged along the way? or maybe for some the addiction is just a cry for help? Maybe poverty is the culprit? that inclines ones character towards drug use.