Hell Roads

  • January 25, 2012 12:28 PM PST
    Just sitting here watching a show called Hell Roads on Discovery its got a lot of the most dangerous roads in the world and The Dragon made it on the show. It showed a lot of wrecks 2 wheel and other ones . Some still photos and actual bike crashes we also shown. Never have ridden the dragon but some day would like to just want to get from one end to the other.  Seems like trucks coming over the road can raise hell too.  Anyone who has ridden this have any tips ??
    • 1 posts
    January 25, 2012 12:32 PM PST
    Don't go on a really nice weekend, lots of bikes and cars... The road is fun, basically a third gear type ride... A few switch backs sneak up on you...
  • January 25, 2012 12:42 PM PST
    Have ridden it four times, all mid-week. A couple times with NO traffic! Sweet. Saw the show... those semi's were scary.
  • January 25, 2012 12:48 PM PST
    Awwwwww... CO Hwy 550 made the show too! My favorite road in the country! (Red Mt Pass, aka The Million Dollar Hwy)