Sorry BOOF, gotta gripe for the same part.. AGAIN!

  • January 19, 2012 2:26 AM PST
    OK so I actually call around and FIND the part in stock just up the road in Gilroy at Thunder Mountain HD so I call the HD dealership that I bought the bikes and parts from and let them know that I'm just going to have them refund me the money back to my card...

    so the Parts guys says "That's fine but we'll have to charge a 20% stocking fee."
    ~silence on my end of the phone~
    "Stocking fee!?!?! You don't even have the damn thing in stock! How the hell can you charge me a stocking fee!?!?!"
    The parts guy not choosing his words too correctly with "That's just how the computer system works, if you buy parts it adds a stocking fee." ~explode!!!~
    "Well my friend you better pull your computer's head out of its butt because you didn't have said items in stock and NONE of you assholes told me the parts were on back order and in fact you told me that they'd be in the following week!"
    ~more stupidity~
    "well sir that's how this is set up if you pay for something it's automatically considered stock..."
    ~holy SHEEIT~
    "You mean to tell me after buying 2 bikes from your dealership and referring others to come see you about all your 'great deals' you can't let me know that the parts I ordered were on back order and now I have $400.00 just floating around in your system until you decide that it's OK to get them to me?"

    Finally in disgust I hung up the phone!

    2 minutes later my salesman calls me back and says "Hey man what the hell happened the whole parts department is up in arms!"
    So I tell him what I told them and he said "Let me do some checking into this for you and see what I can come up with." I agreed.

    Just about 10 minutes later the Parts manager calls me and tries to pull the same snow job the parts counter monkey boy tried selling me!  I politely informed him if he's docking 20% off for stocking fee he can go screw!

    So I decide that I'm just going to go down there and see this first hand and see if I can get my money back or straighten out this mess.
    Before I can get out the door I get a call from the dealership owner who is asking me what is going on and I explain it to him and he says he will track the parts and if he has to he will get me a date of arrival or he'll give me a 20% discount when they finally do arrive. So asked the dealership owner if I can call him back.
    So I did some number crunching + inconveniece fees on my side of this and called them back and decided that I could work with that!
    It's early here but I DO expect a phone call by no later than noon today or I'm just going to go ahead and pursue a refund and if they even dare to jack me around with that 20% restocking fee I'll call the credit card company and have them deal with them.

    OK I'm calm now... deep breaths! But really I have rarely had problems getting parts from Harley Davidson and this economy is really effecting their output of parts in my opinion so I can't squarely put it on the dealership but I can choose to spend my money elsewhere!
    • Moderator
    • 19067 posts
    January 19, 2012 2:35 AM PST
    WOW, That is IN-effin-credible. I would be doing the same as you! That is a bunch of Crap!
  • January 19, 2012 3:26 AM PST

    Just got off the phone with that particular HD shop and in fact the side plates are in and the docking hardware should be in by Tuesday! SHEESH!
  • January 19, 2012 5:09 AM PST
    Got that turned around in a hell of a hurry good job. B9
  • January 19, 2012 5:42 AM PST
    Yeah it would appear that sometimes the customer is right even if the corporate is jerking them around!
    • 0 posts
    January 19, 2012 7:02 AM PST
    Black old mate your alot more patient than me..I grabbed the service manager by the throat and dragged him over the counter when they fried my electrics on my buells first"warranty" service../Mate sounds like you are better off using an online mob than these wankers...Cheers Boof
  • January 19, 2012 7:24 AM PST
    yeah this was all done on the phone because I knew I wouldn't start out so damn nice! I mighta pulled the same maneuver myself BOOF!

    Be good or good at it!
  • January 19, 2012 8:02 AM PST
    Black, I've got a tech question for you, my 04 fuel injected fatboy's speedo just quit working, I can live with that but its not idling while in gear either, any ideas?
  • January 19, 2012 1:38 PM PST
    Hope you told them you was going to back charge them a 20% in convenice fee.Then you would have gotten 40% off your part you ordered.
  • January 20, 2012 7:47 AM PST
    rollnwflo wrote...
    Black, I've got a tech question for you, my 04 fuel injected fatboy's speedo just quit working, I can live with that but its not idling while in gear either, any ideas?

    First of all pull your dash and check your connections then get back with me.

  • January 20, 2012 7:48 AM PST
    ALWAYSPMS wrote...
    Hope you told them you was going to back charge them a 20% in convenice fee.Then you would have gotten 40% off your part you ordered.

    Now there's an idea I didn't consider! LOL

  • January 22, 2012 2:23 AM PST
    Thanks Black, it was the speed sensor, used the diag tests and the speedo worked fine (needle moved), talked to a friend here in Charleston who had the same problem. He took his bike to the dealer and $200 later it was running. I went to the dealer, bought the sensor, $60 and away we go. I do appreciate you getting back to me.
  • January 22, 2012 3:10 AM PST
    good deal man, I have had those problems before I just went to another dealership and was treated very well..... I have never been charged a stocking fee
  • January 22, 2012 4:25 AM PST
    rollnwflo wrote...
    Thanks Black, it was the speed sensor, used the diag tests and the speedo worked fine (needle moved), talked to a friend here in Charleston who had the same problem. He took his bike to the dealer and $200 later it was running. I went to the dealer, bought the sensor, $60 and away we go. I do appreciate you getting back to me.

    Some things you just can't diagnose without seeing and hearing the bike:-)

  • January 22, 2012 4:27 AM PST
    glide wrote...
    good deal man, I have had those problems before I just went to another dealership and was treated very well..... I have never been charged a stocking fee

    I hade NEVER seen a 20% stocking fee from a dealship until that phone call! I plan to take my business elsewhere for sure.