weekend rides

  • January 2, 2012 9:56 AM PST

    hello again.i am in the silver springs/ocala fla area.looking for rides on the weekend,always need to eat.so a eat n ride would be good.also up to a adult beverage. 

    • 566 posts
    January 2, 2012 12:54 PM PST
    One place you could check would be the website for ABATE. From what I know of them, they have a pretty strong representation up in your area.

    www.abateflorida.com/chapters.shtml />
    You might check for the Events section here on CycleFish or another good source for events would be www.scooterschedule.com/ />
    And, there might even be some response from some of the CF members in your area. I'm a little too far south of the Silver Springs area for anything real convenient.
    btw ... the Leesburg Bike Fest will be coming up in a few months. Maybe there will be an opportunity then for us to meet up.
