Just in time for the winter

    • 2 posts
    January 2, 2012 9:18 AM PST
     http://www.myfox8.com/news/wghp-story-jobs-stoneville-110421%2C0%2C4062173.story />

    150 Jobs Coming to Stoneville As Company Leaves China

    A company is moving production from China to Rockingham County, creating at least 150 jobs over the next two years.

    Gerbing's Heated Clothing announced Thursday it will move into the old Stoneville Furniture Factory that had sat vacant for eight years.

    The company makes wire-heated clothing apparel like jackets and gloves Harley-Davidson and other companies. Their products have been favorites of motorcyclists for years.

    "I came here, walked through the building with my COO, and there was something here that just grabbed me and said, 'This is the place.' I don't know how to explain that," said Gordon Gerbing, company owner.

    "It's the most exciting thing that's happened in Stoneville since I've been mayor," said Rex Tuggle, who has led the town for 18 years.

    Tuggle calls it exciting because the town of just more than 1,000 has an unemployment rate of roughly 14 percent.

    "It's hard, it's real hard. The economy's not good. I've been in Stoneville all my life, and I'm really excited about seeing some growth," said Pam Craddock, resident.

    While Thursday's announcement took place in one warehouse in a larger complex, Gerbing said he wants his company to be in all of them.

    "I told the state 158 jobs in four years, but you can throw that out the window. My goal is to create 300 jobs in two years," Gerbing said.

    Owner said he is leaving China because manufacturing costs have climbed and the workforce there can't be counted on to meet distribution deadlines. Gerbing founded the company in 1976 just south of Seattle.
    • Moderator
    • 16870 posts
    January 2, 2012 3:28 PM PST
  • January 2, 2012 3:43 PM PST
    Cool....Wish more companys would come back to The United States where they belong...
    • 658 posts
    January 2, 2012 8:56 PM PST
    Sweet! Glad to see good news for a change. Thanks for sharing.
    • Moderator
    • 19067 posts
    January 2, 2012 10:14 PM PST
    Great! Good post Savage.
    • 1780 posts
    January 2, 2012 10:39 PM PST
    Thanks for sharing that good news......This is going to be a great year for those folks.
  • January 2, 2012 10:47 PM PST
    Great 99 Hope to see that " MADE IN THE USA" tag soon
  • January 2, 2012 11:24 PM PST
    Maybe this is a trend to get America back on track! Way to go Gerbing's and Stoneville, NC.
    • 2072 posts
    January 3, 2012 12:08 AM PST
    Been thinking about buying some Gerbing products for a while. Now with a made in the USA label I just might do it !!!
    • 1855 posts
    January 3, 2012 12:12 AM PST
    Ahhhhhhhhh, Stoneville, N.C., sounds like one more reason to ride thru N.C. ; the next motorcycle mecca perhaps? Great news. And, I'll be seeing you there this year. Count on it Savage.
