Project Basket case
I just traded the 1990 XLH Sporster for a Harley basket case, witch includes a 80 CI Shovelhead engine and a 1957 straight leg rigid frame. also a 4 speed Trans with Elect/Kick start.
I will post before & after pictures as well as during the building of my new project.
I will most likely trade the shovelhead engine for a panhead engine as I prefer Panheads. So heads up if anyone has an old pan and wants a shovel let me know.
I hope to get started next week.
04-10-10 Frame and rear wheel re painted today. Working on front end and brakes
04-04-2010 1930hrs.
3-28-10 - 1359: Update pictures

03-27-10 Up Date: OK got the frame, Front & Back wheer and part of the front end today. Why am I supprized that it is in much worse shape then led to beleave. I will have to replace most of the tabs, the down tube for the seat post will have to be repaired or replaced. as will the tank & seat mount.

March 29, 2010- -
April 1, 2010- -
April 9, 2010- -
August 13, 2010- -