If you are a business owner and would like to sign up on CycleFish as a Business User, please read this blog first.
To signup as a business user CLICK HERE - BE SURE TO SELECT "BUSINESSES" USING THE ACCOUNT TYPE DROPDOWN ON THE FIRST PAGE OF SIGNUP -. Please note that not all services described below are funtioning completely at this time, but be assured if you register as a Business User each and every service will be automatically activated on your account as they become available. (note: if you are currently logged in to your personal account, you must logout to signup your business account.)
The Business User status is reserved for businesses that directly sell products or services related to motorcycles, bikers or motorcycle enthusiasts. This would include, but not limited to, motorcycle sales & service, mc parts, mc clothing, biker friendly bars, biker friendly restaurants, biker friendly lodging, mc training, tattoo shops, etc. This does not include companies who solely promote motorcycle events. Event promoters must sign up as a Personal User where you will still have the ability to list and promote all of your events.
At CycleFish we allow businesses related to motorcycles and/or bikers to sign up as a Business User. As a business user you will receive some special benifits to help you promote your business. Plus our members will be able to communicate with you and leave comments on you business for others to see.
We may in the future begin to charge business to sign up and take advantage of promoting their businesses here. But for right now while our new site is growing we are not charging anything to businesses who sign up. And if you sign up now for free and become an active member in our community, there is a good chance we will never charge you, even when we begin charging new businesses.
Business User Advantages:
- Your profile promotes your business with the name, business type and location and/or website.
- Users can search for your business by name, business type and/or location.*
- Post pictures of your business and/or products.
- Communicate with you customers and potential customers through direct messages, blogs and classified ads.
Additional Services Coming Soon:
- Biker Friendly business listings by business type and state (for brick & mortor businesses)
- Website listing by business type (for online only business)
- Paid advertisement opportunities throughout the website, national, regional, local.
Some Tips For Getting The Most From You Business Listing
- When you select a USERNAME try to use something that related to the business since the username shows up throughout the site (example: RockysBar or SoCalChoppers) . A name like joe1964 does not do anything to tell people about your business!
- In your quick intro use words that will quicky identify your business since the quick intro is searchable by users (note: you do not need to include your location in the quick intro, that is a seperate criteria when users search. A couple good examples of business quick intros would be...
- Biker Friendly Bar with Food, Pool, Live Bands and Bike Night
- Complete Motorcyle Serive and Repair. Tires Installed While You Wait.
- Add a Profile Photo as soon as possible. Does a couple of things...First, it makes your profle stand out in a list of business users. Second, there are some areas of the site (like Recent Members, Active Members, etc) that only display members with profile pictures.
- Create a Photo Album and add pictures of your business. A biker freindly bar or restaurant will do much better if people can "check it out" first. And if you are a custom bike shop, I don't have to tell you how important it is to sho off your work.
- Check back here often. We will be adding lots of new ways for you to promote your business to our users and we will tell you about them here.
- Tell all your customers about CycleFish! Not only we will love you for it
. But this is a social network, if your customers join us they will certainly tell their riding friends about us and more local people will see you business.
- You can also give out you CycleFish profile address, simply www.cyclefish.com/[yourusername]. For a complete selection of links and banners, visit our Link To Us page
- We will also help you spread the work with custom CycleFish Business Cards like this:

What Not To Do
- Under no circumstances is any business, or anyone acting on behalf of a business that is a member of CycleFish permitted to use the CycleFish messaging service to send unsolicited messages to any user of the CycleFish website or services. This is a Zero Tolerance policy. The first report we get of a business spamming our users will result in immediate terminaton of the business profile!
- Do not send mass friend requests to users soley for the purpose of promoting your business.
- Do not use the forum, blogs, or any other aera of the website (with the exception of your business profile) to post unsolicited ads or promotion of your business. As a register business user, we welcome you to respond to other's posts if your business can help out. Example: If someone makes a post saying they are looking for a custom part, feel free to reply and tell them that your shop carries the part and include a link to your profile or give them your contact information. We have no problem with that.
- Do not place your business logo or banner anywhere on the site with the exception of YOUR profile page. This includes other users comment areas, forums, blogs, etc.
All business accounts must meet all requirements as set forth in our Terms of Service. We reserve the right to disallow any business which in our sole discretion we feel is not approprite to advertise on the CycleFish website and may remove any account and all related information with or without reason and without prior notification.
Sign Up Now!
July 17, 2009- -
September 18, 2009- -