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ALL THANKS due to Our Kingman Police Department and Local Supporting Patriots, it’s quiet on the Western front of Arizona. All quiet at Thunder-Rode, Mr. D’z’s, Dunton Motors, and all the downtown businesses of little Kingman Arizona. Our local police department did an amazing job during this week’s demonstrations at Locomotive Park. Our boys in blue were there in force and strength, dedicated to do their jobs peacefully and with courtesy to all. I can tell you they did just that. These guys and gals who represent our city and are there to preserve and protect, stood out, stood up, and set an example for how other communities could and should react to prospective violence by radical extremists. We shout out and give a big THANK YOU to the boys in blue for their superlative efforts in keeping the peace. Thanks also to the great group of guys & gals who came to Thunder-Rode and selflessly stood guard at the shop for three days from early to well into the evening. Some of these patriots even visited and checked on other local merchants in the downtown area, assuring them that no thugs would be allowed into our town. Thunder-Rode has the best customers on the planet. Thanks also to the Patriot Guard, National Guard, and all who were resolute in keeping our town safe and peaceful.

Jack, owner of Thunder-Rode, went over to the Park on Tuesday and introduced himself to the BLM promoters and petitioners and to those along Andy Devine. Jack let them know that in addition to the police, there would be a good and strong presence to protect them and their event should AntiFa thugs and rabble rousers arrive. Jack invited them to use Thunder-Rode’s bathroom facilities and provided free water, coffee, and donuts to all the protesters during all of the event days.

To those of you who stood guard at our shop during the protesting, you know who you are and so do we, please stop into Thunder-Rode as we have a gift for you as a small token of our appreciation.